Page 68 of Say You'll Stay

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“Ew,” I balk and turn away.

He laughs. “Missed you, Elsie. Who else can I gross out with how much I love your mom?”

I roll my eyes. “Missed you, too, Dad. Glad you’re feeling better. What were you doing on that ladder, anyway?”

“Well, I was halfway on the roof and the ladder so I could clear the gutters. We had a good rainstorm the other day, and the oak leaves clogged the gutters all to hell. I—"

“We could have avoided all of this if you’d just called one of the lawn guys to do it?”

He huffs. “I like to do things myself.”

“And one of those things is having a heart attack and falling?”

“Coulda happened to anyone.”

“Mom,” I say firmly.

She smiles at him again. “Peter. You’re not a spring chicken anymore. We can let other people do for us.”

“Doesn’t seem right.”

“Doesn’t seem right?” In the sweetest voice imaginable, she says, “Neither does coming home from work and finding you unconscious on the ground and bleeding with the ladder on top of your half dead body. So, you will eat your heart healthy foods. You will ask other people for help. And you will say thank you when help is given. Because if I come home and find you like that again because you didn’t ask for help, I will take you out myself, Peter Braudel. Do not test me. My heart cannot take it, and I will not put up with finding that again because you are a stubborn old fool. Do you hear me?”

He takes a deep breath of resignation. “I hear you, Bethie. I’m sorry you found me like that.” He gulps as his eyes glisten. “If I ever found you that way…” Dad wipes his eyes. “Elsie, get us both some of that kale shit. I need your mom to live forever.”

I fight some tears myself. “On it.” But I have no clue how to make kale. I always just order a kale salad. Can’t be too hard…I grab my phone to look up some recipes, but there’s a text from Walter to call him when I get a chance. “Uh, Mom, can you take over kale duty? I need to make a work call.”

“Of course, honey.”

I walk outside for the call. “Walter, hey. What’s going on?”

“I don’t want to bother you right now, but I thought you could use some good news.”

“Sure, always.”

“Things went sideways for Pavel in Dubai—there’s some unforeseen delays in funding for that project. Since Mr. MacMillan heard he was available, and given what you’re going through, he’s pushed ahead with Pavel.”

Did the ground just fall out from under my feet?“What?”

“He’s requested that Pavel take over their resort. When you return—whenever things with your father have settled down—you can take over as head architect for the Apple Store project. Isn’t that great? You’ll be back in Manhattan and back on the project you want.”

I don’t understand…anything. “Uh, yeah. Great.”

“You’re shocked, right? I was, too.”

“Did he say anything about me? Any complaints? My professionalism? Anything like that?”

He laughs. “Not at all. Actually, he liked your work and had the best things to say about you. But I guess he still wanted Pavel’s name on the resort. Whatever the reason, you have your dream job back and everything is set for your return. I updated Apple on your situation, and they are happy to wait. They love you, Elsie.”

Sure.Appleloves me. But Beau? I thought we were going somewhere. That things were really good between us. Was I too needy about everything with Dad? Can’t be that. He offered his help.

My head is jumbled. “Um, thanks, Walter.”

“You got it. And please give your family my best.”

“Oh, and thank you for the flowers you sent. They were beautiful.”

“Happy to. I hope they brightened your day. Talk later.” He hangs up.
