Page 37 of Alien From Nowhere

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“Don’t stop,” she demands, fisting the front of my shirt.

My thumb finds her pearl as I stroke inside once more. I press into her as my fingers stroke inside. Her eyes roll up and her arms go limp until she collapses against me, needing my support.

“That was un-fucking-believable,” she says, in awe. “I’ve never come so hard.”

I heave a sigh, ignoring my aching cock as I remove my fingers and carefully re-zip the front of her jumpsuit. I have to help my delirious mate get her arms back inside the top half of the garment while she’s still trying to claw at my chest. If I let her, I think she might tear her way into my pants and hop on my dick for another round.

“You’re very surprised,” I reply. “I should be offended.”

“Don’t take it so personally. I just mean . . . I wasn’t expecting the best orgasm of my life to happen just now.”

“One day, hopefully before my time in this universe expires, you’ll realize that the mating call is not anything like your fictional soulmates or your random ‘dates’ on Earth,” I tell her, lifting her into my arms so that we can finally leave this dark and dirty booth. “It is undeniable. A match blessed by the spirit is the greatest gift our people possess. None of our kind would trade it, not for a planet of our own or all the power in the galaxies.”

I don’t know why I bother, but she’s actually listening, even if her head is wobbling with exhaustion.

“I promise you,ti kaia, that was not the best orgasm of your life.” I ensure that she’s fully zipped to her neck and comfortably supported. “Because I plan to give you many more, preferably under better circumstances.”



Straight back to square one.I wake up beside Niko, whose physical presence I’ve grown frighteningly used to. My body doesn’t jolt at the realization as I come to wakefulness. Instead, my arms long to wrap around his warm chest and nestle in for extra sleep.

I curse and roll over, resisting the urge. What we did last night to relieve the aphrodisiac is one thing; the way I held him tight through the night is another thing entirely.

Images of our messy night together come trickling through my mind. Me, starting to rub one out on a dirty street corner where prostitutes hang out. Him, finger-fucking me to completion in a matter of minutes while I gushed all over his hand. The way I shamelesslybeggedfor his cock like a porn star.

And what’s the saddest thing about all of it?

I didn’t hate it.

I feel a twinge of arousal between my legs just thinking about it. It satisfied a hunger I didn’t know was lurking inside me while I was busy taking care of my most basic needs.

There’s light seeping through the cracks in the shades, which means it’s time to end this thing, whatever it is. I need to break the news to Niko that I’m going my own way and he’s not going to follow me. I stare at the ceiling, mentally practicing what I will say to him. Once I feel my resolve is strong, I scoot out of bed and stand up. I make sure I’m fully clothed and unruffled before I stand by the bed and gently shake his shoulder.

He opens one eye. “By the grace of the Kali’Ka . . . You’ve not run off?”

“Maybe I should have.” I hate conversations like this. “But I didn’t think you deserved that.”

“Didn’t I?” As he comes to wakefulness, he looks everywhere but at me. “You weren’t yourself by the time I got to you.”

“I think we can both agree it’s for the best that you hunted me down and . . . did what had to be done.”

“It’s the furthest thing from what I want to share with a treasured mate. Have I done something unforgivable?” he asks, finally making eye contact. “I’ve never taken advantage of a female before. And you, of all females, are the last person I would want to hurt with my greedy desires.”

“It was my fault,” I mutter, squeezing the bridge of my nose to keep my headache at bay.

“That doesn’t make my actions excusable. You were under the influence of a powerful drug.”

It might be better for me to let him go on believing that last night was a mistake. But lying to Niko feels like kicking a puppy.

I bite my lip.

“Niko, while that might be true, I don’t think what happened was such a terrible thing,” I say.

He blinks at me.

“You don’t?” He’s so relieved; I know it was right to come out with it.
