Page 57 of Alien From Nowhere

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“I heard of that,” I say, “but you don’t think she needs help, do you?”

Dash glances at her. She laughs too loudly at something her Zaledian says and then grips down on his upper thigh.

He snickers. “I think she’s well in control of the situation.”

I try to keep myself from marching over there and giving her a piece of my mind. I might be pretending, but my own species laughing and having fun in a club owned by men that profit from slavery turns my stomach, but it’s not the time or place to do anything about it.

“Slavery is illegal in your home?” I ask.

“Yes, just across the border, many of these males might be arrested for participating in the auction here today, if such a thing could be proven. But many of them keep homes within the Azza Empire where they get away with whatever debauchery they wish to.”

“Do you know them?”

“Yes, but they keep their distance because I outrank them. They cannot question me or approach me. This is why Rossa puts up with me. My brother is a powerful lord, and I maintain the illusion that I’m his disappointing, rakish brother with a gambling addiction.”

“But your brother knows better?”

“He’s very nosy and self-important.” He twirls me around and pulls me against his chest. “But he’d be jealous to realize I had my hands on a human when he missed his opportunity to snag one for himself.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m sure if he’s rich, he could take a trip to Earth and find himself fighting them off with a bat.”

A chime rings out, and the crowd hushes. A neatly dressed lizard man appears on stage to announce that the doors to the auction room will be opening in a moment. The cyborg comes back to our side, ready to escort us safely to our seats. Apparently, he won’t be able to sit with us. Dash explains that it’s meant to avoid brawls on the auction floor.

“Pretty companions are welcome, but bots made to kill are not. There have unfortunately been bloody situations that led to these rules. Now listen, I heard you’re a feisty little thing, so just remember we’re watching and finding out who wins your friends. We won’t be doing anything about it yet. Put on your headscarf so that your friends won’t recognize you. We don’t need them blowing your cover, although I doubt that they’ll be able to pick you out of this crowd.”

I casually don the gauzy headscarf that matches my gown as we settle in. Once there are other bidders seated around us, Dash starts telling me more about his collection of antique alien guns. I don’t even pretend to be interested.

“Shopping for another one of these lovely creatures?” the slimy amphibian creature beside us turns to make conversation. He looks me over with his protruding eyes. “I hear there are a few on the auction block.”

Dash laughs. “I don’t buy females. It’s a personal preference. I’ll be bidding on the ancient weaponry selection. Now, sweetness, when I tell you, you just raise the card and wave it for the auctioneer’s attention.”

“We have these on Earth, you know,” I say.

“How cute!”

The auction begins. I have to admit; I wasn’t expecting it to take so damn long. Dash makes a point of having me bid on items here and there, and we even win a few. I clap my hands excitedly when the auctioneer proclaims me the winner. My energy is starting to fade until the lots turn from inanimate objects to live beings.

The banter and hijinks part of the evening was fun while it lasted, but a full-body chill runs through me as lot after lot of living, breathing people go up for auction. Some of the aliens are shuffled out on the stage and displayed, while others are only shown in pictures on the screen.

I’m thankful for my headscarf when I see a face I recognize. I gasp at the sight of Kaye being led onto the stage in a simple black gown. Her expression shows no emotion. She’s eerily silent, but even from many rows back in the crowd, I can tell she’s shaking. I remain seated and don’t dare move, but it’s never been more difficult to appear unaffected. After the bidding starts, the numbers climb and climb to exorbitant prices. By the end, I look around and realize that none of the bidders are in the room with us. The final bids are coming in through the auction staff running the comm systems. Whoever is purchasing Kaye is someone far away from here.

When Kaye’s bidding is over, Frankie follows. The auction system jumps the starting price closer to how Kaye’s results turned out. Kaye might’ve been shaking, but Frankie stands straight-backed in front of the monitors and glares out at the crowd as if her dark eyes could burn a hole through every one of them. This might be why her bidding ends at a slightly lower price. But the winning bidder is once again not attending in person.

They take Frankie away, and it’s so hard to watch the last glimpse of her disappear behind the curtains.

I hazard one glance at Dash, and he pats my hand. It’s the closest thing to comfort I can get right now. I wish he were Niko. I wish thathewas the one here with me. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so close to ripping at the seams.

After that nauseating experience, I must wait until the end to leave. Dash continues to babble and make conversation with our seating neighbors, but I can barely manage to participate. I pull my headscarf tighter and remind myself over and over again that we’re going to free Kaye and Frankie soon.

Finally, the auction concludes. It’s time to perform the most important part of the mission.

As we approach the check-out area, Dash leans in to whisper in my ear.

“See that male there?” He points to a tall Plax in the next line over from us. “When we get to the front of the line, flirt with him.”

I nod. I’ve never been much of a flirt, but here we go. Thankfully, the lines move evenly, and by the time we’re stepping up to the desk, our Plax target is standing right beside us. Dash begins talking to the woman at the checkout.

I make a show of removing my headscarf, slowly stripping it away and tossing my hair. The Plax looks up, and I smile at him. I lean on the counter and press my ass out a little.
