Page 82 of Alien From Nowhere

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It’s a marvel, one of the most magnificent ships I’ve seen up close.

Lalo and I stand near the back, and we’ll wait until the crowd disperses before we request an audience. Kar’Kali males start to descend on a floating platform. Huge males, with their chests on display, wearing the same holster straps as Niko. Most of them keep their hair long and either braided or swept up in buns, but there are a few that sport shorter styles.

The crowd quiets as the first round of Kar’Kali warriors stands in formation to flank the platform. It rises back up to the ship, and I know the king is next to arrive.

He stands at the center of the platform, two males on either side and a great big beast before him. The king and his warriors retain an illusion of seriousness, but the canine creature looks pleased to be there. A happy tongue hangs out of its fanged mouth. To my eyes, it’s a massive wolf with the body shape of a greyhound. It has lanky legs with furry ankles and killer claws. It could almost be called goofy if it didn’t look so deadly.

“What is that thing?” I whisper to Lalo.

“TheKa’lakkahas a loyalkaiabeast. It is a symbol of a powerful male, because it requires akalibond to control a wild animal like this.”

My hand flies to my chest because I can feel my heart burning inside.

“Don’t worry, its mood follows its master.”

I realize that she thinks I’m frightened. But I can’t find the words to explain my emotions. I don’t fear this creature . . . well, I would have a healthy fear if it turned on me. But I’m in awe at the beauty of thekaia’spower. I’m awed that Niko would see me and think of this fierce beast, a she-wolf. That’s what he sees in me.

I return my attention to the king and his warriors. Once the initial entrance has been made, the king simply walks into the crowd and begins greeting his people. Murmurs start up as the formality of the moment fades. Some females in the crowd seem visibly deflated by the lack of mating calls. Families are reunited, as it seems some of the king’s entourage have a mate and children living onThe Rightful Heir. The platform begins bringing down more soldiers, and the crowd floods the space beneath the ship to receive them joyously.

Finally, the king works his way to us, and Lalo catches his eye.

“My precious guardian,” he greets her. “How are you?”

“I am blessed by the spirit anew, as are you. Because the Kali’Ka has seen fit to bring new blood into our shared home. This is Raina Jones, mate to our Niko.”

The king smiles wide, taking my hand. I don’t know what to do.

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

“How long has he been hiding you?”

“We’ve only known each other for a few standard cycles,” I reply, not sure where I should look. When I glance down, it’s thekaiaI see staring at me, panting with contentment. It has piercing blue eyes and surprisingly lush lashes.

“I want to hear every detail of the story,” he says. It’s as it was with Rossa; he speaks to me like a friend even though we’ve never met. The mating call is treated as an automatic banner of trust to the Kar’Kali. I’m not sure I’ll ever adjust to the concept of not needing a buffer period in relationships like this.

“We have to talk about something important first.”

The warriors at his sides become still and really look at me for the first time.

The king’s brows rise slightly, then he looks to Lalo, who nods.

“I see. I must spend a bit more time here in the crowds, but will you meet me in my private quarters in an interval’s time?”

“Yes,” I agree.

It’s settled. I have an audience with a king.



The soundof her voice has been absent for a while. I’ve been in a strange limbo for some time now, asleep but waking, hearing but not understanding. It has been dark, and I feel nothing in my body, but sometimes I hear Raina. I hear Lalo too, but not as often. I wonder if this is death, if the life after living is an echo chamber devoid of light and disconnected from reality.

But she speaks to me, and I feel closer to sanity whenever I hear it.

For a while, I notice her absence distantly. But then I start to strain my ears, remembering that I have ears. I listen closely, but all I hear is dull white noise and occasional footsteps.

Sensation in my body awakens suddenly. It feels like a plunge into ice-cold water, my nerves pinching like needles at first. Breath floods my lungs and I launch upright.
