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Ezul caught up to her easily, his heavy steps mirroring her light ones. “I am not the one breaking free of a government building and fleeing into the night as if a herd of lomtas are chasing after her.”

“What are lomta–nevermind. I’m not fleeing anything,” Cordelia lied, stomping through the woods like a maniac in the hopes of drowning out Ezul’s sensual voice. “What are you doing here, Ezul?”

“Did you think I would let you leave? You are required to serve a year in the harem.” His tone made it clear he expected her to submit readily, but Cordelia only snorted, picking up her pace and heading further into the unknown of the woods.

She wasn’t going back, and part of her was furious he’d even brought it up. He was acting like she belonged there. Did he think so little of her?

She was fleeing for a reason.

“How did you even know I escaped?” she asked, ignoring his other comment.

Ezul grabbed her arm, and a small shock slid up her body, making her pussy spasm and her thighs clench together as he stopped her in her tracks. Ezul kept his hold firm, his thumb rubbing absentmindedly along her skin until she was completely distracted.

“It does not concern you how I know you were up to no good, only that I was right.”

Cordelia tugged her arm free, oddly offended that he wouldn’t confide in her. She took several steps away from him, whipped back around, and pointed a finger right at him.Menacingly.

“Well, now I know why you visit the harem to see yourfriend,Alesanda,“ she said snidely, hating herself for bringing the nice woman up so vehemently in conversation, especially since Ezul hadn’t even come by once since Cordelia took up residence there. “She told me that you liked to get intimate with her and her only.” She sniffed before continuing. “Clearly no other woman wants to deal with your glowing personality.”

Ezul ate up what little distance was between them, leaning down until he was in her face. His scent wrapped around her, a hint of cedar and musk that threatened to overwhelm her.

“I’ve heard stories of your frigidness as well and you’ve only been on my planet for a few weeks,” he hissed, his eyes lowering to her mouth and heating. He licked his lips, a black tongue darting out to run along equally black lips.

Cordelia’s breath caught, wondering how it would feel if he pressed those lips against–

Wait!Frigid? He thought she wasfrigid? So what if she didn’t want to hump a random alien! Not all of them were tempting like–

“It makes sense that no Earth male wanted you enough to keep you from being abducted,” he finished angrily.

“Oh!”That jerk!“Why are you even here, Ezul? Are you wanting me to feed you to more giant spiders?”

Ezul stood to his full height, towering over her instantly. His nostrils flared, and he sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes widened in rage. He shook his head a moment later, his usual glower falling easily into place.

“They are calledleilings,and you would notdare.”

Cordelia arched a brow, standing on her toes in the hopes of intimidating him. She only succeeded in bumping her forehead against his chin since the man refused to move from her space.

“The last time was an accident, but if another big ass spider heads my way, I’m going to lead it to you with a smile on my face. Now, let me leave!”

He growled, the sound doing something very interesting to her insides. Her face flushed and her body heated as the rumble coming deep from within him only intensified. And then it cut off abruptly, leaving her bereft and confused.

What the hell was going on between them? She needed to get the hell away from him; clearly he wanted her back in her new prison. But against her better judgment, Cordelia squared her shoulders, eager to verbally spar with him.

Ezul inhaled deeply, the blacks of his eyes streaking with tiny, jagged lines of white when he looked down at her. His nostrils flared again.

What the hell did he keep smelling? Was it her? Did she smell bad? Never in her life had she felt more self-conscious of her body than at that moment, tempted to lift an arm and take a whiff, if only to ease her mind. She hoped like hell she wasn’t offending him with some kind of obnoxious odor. She’d just bathed that morning!

“And just where will you go, Cordelia? The last time you wandered my planet unaccompanied, you were nearly eaten.” He leaned in, his nose brushing against her neck. He inhaled again, arms banding possessively around her waist despite the awkward squawk that came from her. “Something so sweet should not remain unattended,” Ezul murmured darkly, fingers tightening around her hips.

“Why are you smelling me,” Cordelia snapped, incapable of ignoring the way Ezul’s mouth wandered down her bare neck.

She shivered at the featherlight touch, need pooling low in her belly as he continued leaving a light trail of barely there kisses all over her neck.

Why did his lips feel amazing skimming her body? She couldn’t get enough, tilting her head to provide him more room, silently urging him to continue.

His sharp teeth scraped along her skin, and Cordelia moaned in response, knees weakening when he did it again. His rough tongue darted out, sampling her body. Cordelia shuddered, her pussy spasming at the thought of him licking between her thighs.

“Ez-Ezul, what are you doing?” she breathed.
