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A man with completely white skin, red eyes, and large wings tucked behind him had strutted into the fitting room shortly after, introducing himself before shining a light at her body.

The silver, square device scanned her features before the man opened a sleek cabinet door built into the wall. Taking the clothing from Ezul, he’d placed each item lovingly inside, closed the door, and pressed the scanning device to a holoscreen until it beeped once.

Noises were heard from within the wall, and when the machine was done and the clothes handed back, each one matched Cordelia’s measurements perfectly.

She’d picked out an outfit to wear then, and the rest of the items had been sent back to Ezul’s home by way of a little flying robot with a claw that hung from the base of his body, almost like a tail.

She was now wearing a nice, knee-length, black cotton dress that hugged her breasts lovingly, flaring at the waist, and a pair of leather sandals that fit her surprisingly well, though they hadn’t needed a machine to configure them to the right size.

Cordelia barely noticed the night sky full of stars above as Ezul led her down a sidewalk, too baffled by the futuristic world around her. All of this was what had been waiting for her outside the harem? She never realized there was so much more on offer here on Aragnok.

Sleek, chrome transports flew by at high speeds, like something out of a sci-fi movie. She’d never noticed before that the vehicles had no wheels, floating inches above the ground.

She had always been either too scared for her own life or too horny to care what she was traveling in. But now it was impossible to not notice how advanced Ragtar was in comparison to Earth.

Even the buildings were more futuristic than the skyscrapers back home. Some curved into huge arches and connected back down to the ground like a massive slinky. Others were so high into the sky Cordelia couldn’t see anything other than the glass disappearing into the clouds, reflecting the night sky and the lights from the city life below.

It was beautiful now that she was fully adjusted to the dark, though Ezul had told her the total darkness would be ending in another week, giving her a first glimpse of Aragnok during the daylight.

She was excited to see it.

Ezul kept turning his head to watch her while they walked, his eyes possessive as they roamed her features, taking in every new experience with her.

It was weirdly adorable at first, especially when his gaze would flit away from her, locking on another Aragnokan man in her vicinity. He would snarl, a deep rumble coming from him until the other man moved quickly away, drawing back in fear.

But by the tenth time, it was just ridiculous.

“You can’t keep doing that,” Cordelia hissed, tugging on his hand when Ezul glared at another man standing ten feet from her.

She was already drawing loads of attention, probably because a human woman was a rare sight. It didn’t help that there was an increasingly irate-looking warrior next to her.

They should have expected a bit of attention, but he was only making it worse with his glowering gaze and hostility. The poor shoppers couldn’t even use the sidewalk they were on because Ezul was practically vibrating with tension, his posture daring anyone to come near.

“I do not enjoy how his eyes wander,” Ezul spat.

“His eyes are not wandering, Ez. And even if they did, can you blame them? How many human women are just walking around the city, shopping?” she pointed out. “Is something else going on? Are you jealous that other men are looking at me?”

“No,” he snarled in answer, though it was impossible to miss the way his jaw clenched or how tightly his fingers gripped hers at the comment.

Cordelia snorted. Oh, he was so jealous. “Honey, there is no reason to be jealous of anything. I’m taken. By you. End of discussion.”

Huffing, Ezul’s eyes narrowed on another male, a hapless victim, really, who’d just exited a shop and happened to be heading straight for them.

“I amnotjealous; there are simply threats everywhere,“ he bit out, a spark of lightning shooting from his fingertips and shocking her.

“Ow,” Cordelia whined, ripping her hand free and waving it back and forth in an attempt to ease the sting. “Oh wow, that burns!”

“Forgive me,” Ezul uttered seriously, grabbing her hand. Mist covered her palm, gentle and cool, until her skin stopped stinging. “I should have more control but it is...difficultknowing how many threats lurk around us.”

“They are just people, Ezul. No one is threatening us.” Though, she could admit, at least to herself, that she found the constant staring a little uncomfortable.

The city wasn’t packed full of people, at least not where she and Ezul were, but she still felt like a... Well, like an alien.

She understood their reactions. It was hard for her to keep her eyes from widening in shock with each new type of Aragnokan she passed, some mundane in appearance while others looked like the shopkeeper; unique with extravagant wings, tails or horns.

Ezul’s chest rumbled again, and Cordelia couldn’t help the erotic shiver that slid over her in response.

“Women to breed with are rare, Runa. When Sahin claimed Delilah and it was discovered she could produce Aragnokan offspring, many males began to believe there was a chance for them to find happiness and a family.”
