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Cazar looked back toward the women. “Would you like to hold it?”

Cordelia scooted back into Ezul’s embrace, emphatically shaking her head, declining his offer.

“I don’t think I want to be anywhere near something that could blast me back to Earth.”

Ezul nuzzled her shoulder in comfort, kissing her tenderly through her dress. She couldn’t help the breathy sigh that escaped her; she felt so content in that moment.

Ezul had dropped the pretense of keeping his hands to himself around others weeks ago when they’d gone out shopping one morning, and now he was always roaming her body in some form or fashion, reaching for her like he was afraid she would just disappear one day out of thin air.

Cazar shook his head. “It does not work that way. These keys can only be used once and only after the coordinates of the planet and a location within its atmosphere are entered. From there, you would simply twist the top, and within a matter of seconds you would arrive at your destination.”

“That is insane,” Delilah told him in awe. Cordelia agreed wholeheartedly.

“I can assure you, the science behind this is sound.”

“No, no, I just mean that it baffles me how advanced your technology is compared to Earth’s.” Cordelia nodded as Delilah continued. “I’m pretty sure what you’re describing to us would be considered magic from my home world.”

Cazar shrugged. “Magic is just science that has not yet been explained.”

Jakkar and Kylok stood from their seats, coming over to join them.

“I did not wish to bring troublesome news to our gathering, but I knew you all would not condone being kept in the dark,” Jakkar began somberly.

The atmosphere immediately grew tense, the easy camaraderie disappearing in response to Jakkar’s words.

“Has there been another attack?” Ezul asked, holding Cordelia closer.

“Nothing of the sort.” Jakkar sighed. “Investigators have discovered that blueprints were stolen during the security breach a few weeks prior.”

Sahin stiffened. “Blueprints for what, Father?”

“Several government buildings within Ragtar and at other cities on the other side of the planet. We can only assume an attack on one of them is imminent. More guards will be posted at every entry, and we are only allowing those who require the infirmary or work there to enter inside.”

Cordelia shot a hesitant look at Ezul, and her breath caught as dread took a hold of her. They needed to visit the infirmary in the next few days to confirm whether she was pregnant or not, but the thought of doing so now seemed daunting.

“Do not worry,” Ezul assured her quietly, kissing the side of her forehead. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” Her heart skipped a beat. She nodded, trusting him completely despite her growing worry. She couldn’t help but feel like something horrible was going to happen, that every second was just ticking down to a moment that would destroy her whole world.

“I do not tell you this to frighten or alarm any of you,” Jakkar continued. “But remain vigilant, and know that we are working on wiping out this threat.”

Delilah yawned, breaking the tension, and Sahin straightened, scooping his mate into his arms. “I believe we should go. I do not wish to keep her out too late. With her pregnancy and this news on the dissenters, it is not wise for us to dwell within the city for any length of time.”

“We will go with you.” Ezul straightened, tucking Cordelia under his arm to nestle against him before they bid Jakkar and Cazar farewell.

She was pinned to the bed, her arms and legs stretched out by Ezul’s black mist. Cool fingers slid down her heated skin, teasing her nipples.

“Look at me, Cordelia,” Ezul purred, and she turned her head slightly, staring at her mate, who was lounging naked in a chair by the end of the bed. His hand covered his thick erection, slowly stroking himself while his mist played with her body.

“I can feel my mist licking at your breasts, teasing your nipples,” he murmured. “Your skin always tastes so sweet to me. Can you feel me lick you?”

She nodded quickly, straining against her bindings as both of her nipples were sucked and flicked. Ezul watched on, his strokes slow and confident.

“Do you enjoy it when I play with you?”

“Yes,” she nodded eagerly, her breath catching as phantom fingers slid down her stomach, teasing her clit. Her back arched, hoping he would allow his mist to sink inside her. Ezul merely smiled, smearing precum along the tip of his erection.

“Are you ready for me?”

Fingers spread her folds, exposing her tiny bundle of nerves while more fingers pinched her nipples. She moaned Ezul’s name as pleasure spread from her stiff peaks down to her clit, little shocks nearly forcing her to come off the bed, her womb aching for more.
