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Jakkar stabbed him with a needle, a betrayed roar passing Ezul’s lips before he finally passed out, the room and all the memories slipping away from him as the darkness claimed him.

Two months later…

Lately, he did not feel like the same male. He did not feel anything. Not hope, not joy, not pain, not grief.

Ezul simply existed, one day at a time.

When he’d woken up again after his forced sedation, his father and brothers explained to him in detail everything that had happened.

Kylok had saved him while aid had arrived from the capitol. Several warriors had assisted in subduing Vermile and the dissenters. Ezul had already slipped into unconsciousness when they’d arrived, and his brother had nearly died stabilizing him.

Vermile had been apprehended for questioning, pending trial, which was scheduled for today. Ezul was meant to attend, though he could barely stomach the thought of seeing that piece of ratliq filth again.

Vermile had been uncooperative in providing the exact coordinates of where he’d sent Cordelia, but another warrior, Daemon, who could bend minds to his will, had offered to step in for a brief interrogation.

The only spike of emotion Ezul had experienced was one of grim satisfaction when Vermile had resisted Daemon’s abilities before eventually his mind had shattered. From that point on, Vermile had given them everything they wanted, his mind a broken map now and his body a near-hollow shell.

Cordelia was indeed on Earth, though Vermile had admitted he wasn’t lying–he did not remember the coordinates he’d typed into the key. That knowledge had gutted Ezul, only solidifying his fears of never holding her in his arms again.

Ezul hoped and prayed each day that she was safe. Healthy. Hopefully happy. Though knowing his little menace, she was probably throwing a fit that she wasn’t with him.

The thought almost made Ezul smile as he was led into a small room with white walls, similar to the interrogation chamber he’d been placed in months ago for his own questioning.

Vermile was seated at a table, rocking back and forth. He was despondent, and while he’d been kept clean, his hair was matted to his head. He’d lost weight too; his cheeks hollow and his eyes sunken. He was an empty husk of a male, and Ezul couldn’t help but bask in his enemy’s misfortune.

Jakkar’s voice filtered through the ceiling’s speaker, echoing around the small room.

“It is by the order of this senate that Vermile be sentenced to execution for the murder of Arombk Brimlok, as well as the attempted murder of Ezul Clykor, and the abduction of Cordelia Clykor. Ezul, once you have delivered justice, you are required in the senate chambers.”

Ezul had been waiting for this moment for months and strode easily over to Vermile, pulling him from his seat, his lightning shooting from his hands without any warning. It engulfed Vermile in so many waves of energy that the man’s body vibrated with the force, though Vermile never even made a sound.

Vermile expressed not one ounce of pain, not a flicker of emotion or dread as his body eventually gave out and charred before Ezul’s eyes. Finally, there was nothing left of him but a burning piece of meat.

Ezul thought he would feel some sort of peace or vengeance when he ended Vermile’s pathetic life. But he felt nothing as he dropped the body to the floor.

Ezul woke in a chair just inside the infirmary, staring bleary-eyed ahead. He didn’t remember venturing here, but he must have after executing Vermile. Standing, he stretched his aching muscles. He’d overexerted his lightning and had needed a moment to rest, but he didn’t regret the amount of energy he’d expended.

Vermile had deserved much worse.

Not wanting to waste another moment, Ezul left the infirmary and made his way to the senate chambers. He wasn’t sure what this meeting was for exactly, and he couldn’t find the strength to care.

If he passed anyone in the halls as he traveled to his destination, he did not notice. But then again, he hardly noticed anything anymore.


Ezul looked up in confusion, blinking. “Sahin? Ky? What are you two doing here? Is Delilah alright?”

Both of them were standing just outside the doors to the senate, each looking excited.

“Delilah is well. Resting,” Sahin assured. Recently, their new dwelling within the city had been built, and additional security had been added to keep Delilah safe. The dissenters had been hunted down, most of them wiped out since Vermile’s capture. Knowing this, Ezul had yet to move in. He just couldn’t.

“We did not wish for you to be alone,” Kylok added, gesturing to the doors behind him. “Shall we proceed?”

Kylok and Sahin were sentinels at Ezul’s side as they ventured into the senate chambers.

Would they reinstate him as a warrior since he no longer served a purpose as a mate? How could he be expected to bring salvation to others when his own salvation was gone?

Jakkar, and several other members Ezul gave no qualms about, stood as the warriors arrived, bowing slightly in greeting before they resumed their seats.
