Page 109 of Voyeur

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She trails off, and now I want to know about thismomentthey’ve shared. So, I can cut it from her memory with my fucking blade. But that’s not fair to her. She’s lost enough already. Though the darkness simmers beneath my skin, I keep my hands and voice steady.

“Oh, a moment, ehh?”

She swats my arm. “Not like that. There was an attraction between us. Nothing like the fire between you and I, though.”

I grunt. “He wouldn’t chase you and fuck you in a dark passageway with his blade against your throat, hmm?”

She swats me again. “You’re insufferable!”

I put my hands up in defense. “Hey, good men are hard to come by. Or so I hear.”

She stands off her stool, and I back up a few paces. When she tries to right her robe, I get a momentary shot of her bare pussy beneath it.

I move towards her, grabbing the string that binds it together with both hands, unraveling it slowly. “So, what’s the verdict? You going to keep the killer that’s been sleeping in your bed? Or are you going to turn me back out to the shadows?”

When the robe falls open, and the air caresses her skin, her nipples harden. I find it difficult to not imagine they’re beading for me.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she breathes when I slip my fingers through her folds. Something I need to think on. Don’t you agree?”

I growl at the feel of her velvet cunt stroking me right back as I move over her clit, her hips swirling and swaying with my hand. “Something you need to think on, or something you want to test drive a few more times before buying?”

“Gage!” Her shout is half pleasure, half annoyance when I pass over her entrance with my fingers a few times without entering.

“You can’t toy with darkness, little phoenix. You either dive in headfirst, or back away slowly. Which will you do, hmm?” I tease, rubbing over her clit with more pressure, her bucking against me as she grabs for the stool behind her for leverage.

“I feel like I’ve already been wading in the darkness with you since the first night I ran from you,” she breathes, admitting to me what I already know. But I need her to know it. I need her to want this. Because it’ll never work otherwise.

“Gage, please,” she begs, and it’s all I can do to not to lean right into her. To drown in her. Never coming up for air ever again and letting her essence feed me until the day she allows me to pass.

“What is it going to be, little one? The darkness with me, or the light without me. Because as hard as it’ll be to slink on the edges of sanity, watching what I can’t have, I’ll do it. I’ll do it for you.”

Her eyes open as I slip two fingers inside her. I watch as her mouth opens, letting out a groan of pleasure, her legs opening, and her cunt blossoming for me.

“I don’t know if you can’t see it, but you were made for me. Made to wade in the inky depths of madness with my hand the only thing keeping you afloat,” I tell her, pumping my fingers through her wet heat as her grip on the stool becomes harder.

A flash of awareness passes through her eyes. “Oh, so you do know. I don’t like to be toyed with, Carina. You need to let go. Let go and be mine. All fucking mine. And come hell or high water, I’ll protect you until my dying breath.”

“I’m already yours, you daft man,” she whimpers, grinding against my hand when I stop moving.

I lean forward. “And how am I to know, when the queen never told me?”

She captures my mouth with hers, and I savor the taste of her mixed with the breakfast I’d fed her. The simple way she kisses me stokes a flame I’ve had burning since the day I laid eyes on her.

When I lift her into my arms, she wraps her legs around my hips. I set her on the bar, robe splayed open, her body bare for me.

“It’s so strange to think how you came into my life,” she breathes. “That’s all that held me back. What would anyone think if they knew I was fucking my stalker?”

A laugh comes out more menacing than I’d meant. “Baby, no one on the face of this planet matters when it comes to you and me.”

She sits straight up, sinking her hands through my hair and tugging my mouth to hers, hovering there and just breathing with me. “You’re going to infect me with darkness, aren’t you? I’m going to become more depraved the longer I’m with you.”

“I think it’s the other way around. I think you’re going to bring me back into the light.”

“A balance,” she says softly.

“Mmm, I like that. We’re going to balance one another.”

Her lips come down on mine, her soft pillowy feel caressing the darkest parts of me, and for a moment I feel like one of those damned cats she dotes on. She’s petting me, giving me the attention I need, and I damn near purr for her.
