Page 28 of Forever Together

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Henry tensed as music started… It was time.

Cormac began to sing. Well, he was lip-syncing. Though the voice was male and very beautiful, seductive…entrancing even, it wasn’t actually his. Though Henry was pretty impressed by Cormac’s ability to fake it.

He stood there waiting until the song reached the mid-way point, and then he went up the last few steps, making his appearance as the pirate seduced by the ‘siren’. How…unoriginal.

Henry stepped onto the hill into view, eyes focused on Cormac. Pretending as if he were in a trance, he followed the siren’s song to the water’s edge. Just as he reached it, more pirates spewed from the other side of the hill. The music took on a dramatic effect as they attacked and tried to capture the siren. Some tried to drag Henry back, attempting to snap him out of the entrancement.

But as he was supposed to, according to Octavius’ cheesy script, instead of snapping out of it, he attacked his fellow pirates. Pulling his fake sword free, he fought them all off. ‘Fighting’ to the bitter end, to protect the creature that had ‘entrapped’ his mind.

And unlike in real life when a human fights this many opponents—because the script was ridiculous—he, of course, miraculously manages to take them all down—all fifteen of the other men. But not unscathed,couldn’t be too unbelievable, he thought with an inner eye roll.

Henry let out a fake cry of pain as the blood pack on his side burst open, giving the illusion of his ‘injury’ as he collapsed to the ground. But he had ‘won’, and the rest were ‘dead’.

On his hands and knees, he crawled ‘desperately’ towards the water.

Eyes on Cormac, he tried to fake emotions and pain. “Go, go, more will come!” he cried.

The ‘siren’s’ eyes were sad as he swam towards the edge. On reaching it, the siren pulled Henry into his arms, and into the water. He did his best to not react to someone picking him up. It was a bit startling to see he fit so well in the wolf’s arms.

He flinched when Cormac cupped his cheek with one of his hands. Meeting the wolf’s gaze, Henry’s eyes widened at the warmth he saw in Cormac’s amber eyes. When the wolf’s lips met his, even though he knew it had been coming, he still gasped in shock, face flushing. His heart started to speed up in slight panic as Cormac dragged him under the water, his body heating in places it shouldn’t, and hadn’t in a very long time.

Perhaps…it wasn’t just a kiss?

* * *

Octavius watched,bouncing on his feet as the two performers swam underwater. They dove deeper and deeper, their lips remaining pressed together, hair flowing around them, before suddenly, a large cloud of blood obscured them both. The lights above the hill and pool went out, and everyone clapped as the dance music began again.

Octavius giggled and leaned into Turney. “Well, wasn’t that just a wonderful show?!”

Turney snorted. “I’m sure Cormac is very happy. Not exactly a Halloween type show though, was it?”

He smiled and tried to not give away his act of trickery. “Yes, well…not all shows have to be hardcore Halloween, just because it’s a Halloween party. Like dressing up and putting on a show is Halloween enough, don’t you think? Anyway, come on, my statue! Let’s go see them!”

“Lead the way, my snake headed fiend.”

They headed up the hill and reached it just as Henry and Cormac resurfaced. Henry pulled himself out of the pool and sat on the edge. His face was flushed, eyes slightly wide.

Cormac did the same, sitting there in his tail. The werewolf was looking very happy.

“Quite a show you two put on,” Turney said with a laugh.

“Hey, I didn’t do anything outside the script. That sword of Henry’s may be fake, but I’m sure he’d find a way to skewer me if I had,” Cormac said cheekily.

Henry cleared his throat, but said nothing in response. Which was odd…

Hehe, had his plan worked?! Did Henry finally realize that maybe he wasn’t as disinterested as he claimed?! Octavius eyed his fledgling, trying to feel out the emotions that were coming through their bond. His head tilted at the confusion he found. Did that mean Henry felt something?

Octavius supposed the confusion made sense, considering Henry’s dating history. Well, as far as he knew, Henry had only been with women…and had shown no interest in men before. Not to mention, Henry had not been with another soul since the death of his wife, all those years ago. Maybe he’d talk to him about it later…if he remembered. Either way, this was progress. Good progress!

“So, what’s it feel like to have a tail, Mr. Mermaid?” Turney asked, a teasing light in his eyes. “Nice wig, by the way.”

“If you recall, in some forms, I do have a tail. And as for the wig…” Cormac flicked part of his wet braids over his shoulder with a hmph. “You are just jealous that I can pull it off. Anyway, we should get dried off and changed.” Cormac eyed Henry. “Wet clothes are not comfortable.”

Henry met the other male’s gaze, cheeks still slightly flushed. The vampire cleared his throat again and pushed up, but instead of fully standing, he moved into a crouch, reaching for Cormac. “Come on, let’s get you on the grotto so we can change. As you said, wet clothes are very uncomfortable.”

He smirked as he watched Henry pick Cormac up and settle him onto the grotto. Octavius let out a grunt of surprise when an elbow hit his gut. He glared at Turney who glared back.

“You are not as sneaky as you think you are,” the zombie said with an exasperated huff.
