Page 31 of Forever Together

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“You’re right…they weren’t. Everything was just sort of cohabitating near each other. Some even in each other’s space.”

“Yes, well, something in their DNA prevents them from attacking other fae pets. Which is why they can be placed together without worrying about them killing and eating each other. So, Sprinkle won’t hurt Bubby, even if he is a fish,” Octavius finished explaining with a bright, hopeful smile.

He eyed that smile and thought over all the possible arguments he could make against Octavius getting another pet… Even thinking over the trouble it would make for poor Henry, but in the end, he came to one conclusion… Turney definitely wouldn’t win this argument. So, was there any point arguing?

Besides, he had seen the yearning in the vampire’s eyes as he had looked at the fish…and it was a fish, so it wasn’t like it was going to cause much trouble. Like, all it would be able to do is swim in its tank, right? No big deal. Also…Octavius seemed to really miss Bubbles…

“I’m not going to argue against it,” he said with a sigh. “Because I doubt I’d win even if I tried, but can I at least ask…will having Bubby make you happy?”

Octavius beamed at him and began to nod cutely in excitement. “Yes!”

Turney smirked. “Then I guess congrats on the new fish, and the rekindling of an old friendship.”

Octavius giggled and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close. “That’s my wonderful boyfriend.” He patted his cheek.

Turney narrowed his eyes and pushed Octavius back, pinning him to the wall. “Don’t be thinking you’ve got me trained, mister. I’m not protesting, only because I know how sad you were about Bubbles. That’s it. Also, the pufferfish is cute, and mostly hassle free, being a fish and all.”

At least…he thought it was hassle free… Turney had never had a fish before…

Octavius chuckled and gave him a peck on the lips. “No worries. I know perfectly well that at the mere mention of glitter your objection will be loud and fierce.”

Turney snorted. “Brat.” He kissed him back.

Octavius threw his head back on a laugh. “But you love me anyway.”

He sighed. “Yes, yes, I’m in love, and now I'm trapped in your crazy.”

“Crazy is fun, hehe.” The vampire giggled. “Speaking of fun. We have a bit of time before the fledglings converge to the designated meeting place. Why don’t we have a bit of fun ourselves to pass the time?” Octavius wiggled his brow.

Turney grimaced. The idea of meeting all of Octavius’ fledglings at once drew a strange sense of fear inside him. “There’s a designated meeting place?”

“Nothing to worry about!” Octavius chimed.

He let out a yelp as the male grabbed on to him and yanked him towards a door, then into a dark room.

The light flickered on and it appeared to be a normal bedroom. Turney let out a startled laugh when Octavius tossed him onto the bed.

“Come, my statue! Give me your pole, your rock, your stone rod.”

He burst into laughter. “Octavius, that was all horrible. And…won’t the body paint ruin the covers?”

Not that it had smudged at all throughout the night, even with him sweating and them constantly touching each other. Which was interesting, as Octavius was also painted, even if more of his natural skin tone shined through. Paint aside, it was odd that the glitter currently dusting Octavius’ entire body hadn’t budged.

“Shhh.” The vampire shushed him and crawled onto the bed on top of Turney, hovering above him on his knees. “It’s fine. The paint won’t budge without oil. Also, shhhh, I’m Medusa, and you are my turned to stone lover.”

“So, I should just lay here and relax then?” Turney asked with a brow raised. “Statues don’t move much.”

“Yes, sadly, you looked into my gaze and you were PETRIFIED!” Octavius dramatically gasped the last word out loudly, and in clear horror. “So now I must take my pleasure from your stone cold, yet very hard body.”

“You are so weird.”

“Yes, but I have lube.” Octavius reached into a secret pocket in one of the many leather flaps of his skirt and pulled out a bottle of lube.

“How much do you have hidden in there?”

“It’s a secret.” The vampire sent him a wink. “Now, statue up!” Octavius giggled, smiling bright as he flipped the bottom of Turney’s tunic up. And then his smile turned right into a frown. “How could you wear boxer briefs?! It ruins the costume!”

“I’m not walking around with my cock hanging out.”
