Page 38 of Forever Together

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“Fuck!” he cursed. “Control yourself, Theo!”

The words did nothing. His vision didn’t disappear, and the noise, though distant now, still sounded like a cacophony in his ears. Darkness, he needed darkness.

The change pushed towards the surface as his breath increased in speed. His skin tingling and beginning to ripple. His fear and panic heightened as he stared down at Sprinkle. She was meowing and rubbing against him in obvious concern. The kitten was so small… If he lost complete control…

“Go,” he begged her, with tears in his eyes.

The light turned off. The room plunged into darkness. He flinched in shock as a hand smoothed over his back. And then strong arms were around him, someone’s warm chest against his back.

“Shh, you are safe, Theo,” a soft voice told him. The voice…was soothing…and oddly familiar.

Chest heaving, air still sparse, he peered back. His eyes widened as he realized he knew this male. It was…the funny dressed reaper… The one who had been there when he’d been rescued. The one who had stood between him and his father.

His mind tried to churn out a name. The male was Turney’s friend, wasn’t he? What was his name?

The reaper smiled gently at him. “It’s Alexander. Just keep trying to breathe, Theo. You are safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

He frowned, his mind trying to make sense of the words. But the male’s eyes were kind… And he was a reaper… Yes…he was…safe… The reaper would stop him from hurting anyone. Theo was safe. He took his first full breath.

“That’s it, Theo.” He felt Alexander’s chest expand and contract against his back, as he heard him draw a deep breath in and out. “Listen to my breathing, and try to match it. It’s going to be okay.”

Alexander’s chest rose and fell against his back again. With the reaper’s next breath, he took one in as well. And then another, and another, until his breathing slowed, and his heart began to calm down.

When, finally, the noises no longer beat at him, his sight no longer taunting, the reaper helped him stand up. His face heated as he peered shyly up into Alexander’s eyes.

“Thank you,” Theo said, clearing his throat. His cheeks heated further, now slightly embarrassed by the circumstances the very handsome male found him in. “I thought I could handle it…but seeing it all, the noise…everything together became too much. I was fine…and then…” He trailed off.

Alexander grasped his shoulders, the soft smile still in place. “How about you turn those pretty golden eyes off and let me guide you to wherever you want to go? I imagine this place, as it is right now…probably isn’t that great to navigate.”

He grimaced. “It’s not…”

Taking a deep breath, now that he was calm, he easily pulled back. His vision flickered once before complete darkness finally took hold. He sighed in relief as his world fell peacefully into full nothingness again. Feeling Sprinkle still rubbing against his leg, he bent down and picked her back up.

“How do you prefer to be guided?”

“I’m most comfortable with a hand at my back…and if you could warn me whenever there is a terrain change or steps. That would help.”

“Do you want to go to your room? I don’t know where it is, but I’m sure we can figure it out together.”

He frowned, thinking about it for a moment. He really…didn’t want to run away…even more so now that he had already freaked out. “I think…I want to try the party again.” His hand shook slightly as he ran it through Sprinkle’s fur.

* * *

Alexander held back his frown,even though Theo wouldn’t have been able to see it. He found himself, as he always was, stuck behind the mask he showed the world. “Are you sure?”

“I…am,” the young werewolf said, almost too hesitantly. “If you don’t mind being my guide for the rest of the night… I know it’s a lot to ask.” Theo gnawed his bottle lip, brow pinching in concern.

Alexander chuckled. “You ask very little, Theo. Never be afraid to ask for help.” He laid his hand on the small of Theo’s back. “And if you wish to head back to the party, we shall. Though I believe they are heading to the second house now.”

“Lead on.” The wolf smiled, much calmer now.

Guiding the werewolf out of the room, he led him through the house, following the directions on the posted signs towards the door that would lead them outside.

“We are about to step out of the house. We are about five steps from the door, and there appears to be a single step down.”

“Ah, so Octavius used this exit. There…are multiple. I was wondering which one he used. I know how many steps there are at the house, just let me know when we reach them.”

“Will do.”
