Page 47 of Forever Together

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“Thank you,” Turney said.

“Is that all?” the male asked again.

“Yes,” Octavius hummed. “I believe that is all. We will leave you to your work. If we think of anything else, we will be back.”

The two nodded as Octavius and Turney headed back the way they came and into the hallway.

“Well, at least our list is smaller now?” Turney said with a sigh.

“Maybe. They are both older paranormals. Near my age, if I were to guess. So, they could have lied.”

Turney’s eyes widened at that. “I’m curious why they are working here then.”

Octavius smiled. “No doubt they do it because they enjoy it. They have lived long enough that I doubt it’s related to money. When one gets to a certain age, all we can do is try to keep ourselves entertained.”

Turney chuckled. “That explains a lot.”

Octavius narrowed his eyes at him. “Why does it feel like you just insulted me?”

He smirked and tried to mimic the vampire’s innocent wide-eyed look. “Whatever do you mean?”

“You did insult me, didn’t you?!”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

The vampire hmphed and crossed his arms with a pout.

Turney chuckled. “Anyway, should we use the narrowed down list for now?”

Octavius let out a heavy sigh. “I suppose. It’ll save time. And if what they told us turns out to be lies…well, then they probably did it. So, either way, we will have solved the case!”

“Good enough logic for me.” He paused before asking, “What species was Kristof? You never told me.”

“He was a naga. And let me tell you now, nagas are not a species one wants to mess with. They are also very hard to kill unless you…you know, are sneaky and use poison like our killer did. If I were to describe them, I’d say they are like how the hydra is described. Except just the instant regeneration part, and not so much the lose one head and gain two thing.”

Joy—giant snake creatures were real… “Sounds…horrifying.”

Octavius chuckled. “Indeed.” The vampire pulled out his phone and flipped it open. “Let me just update the list and send it to the others, then we will head off to find the next two!”

Scarlett tried to keep the blush off her cheeks when she slipped her arm through Min-ji’s and clung to her. She didn’t think she succeeded, but oh well. Scarlett glanced at the decorations in the trees as they walked past. Octavius really had gone all out this year. She had a feeling that next year would be worse.

“So, who are we looking for?” Min-ji asked, smiling down at her…which caused the blush she’d been attempting to fight off to spring forward. Damn pale skin…

She cleared her throat and tried to appear unaffected. “A man named Fedric Noric. He’s out here in the woods somewhere.”

“I see.”

“There is someone hidden up ahead. Perhaps, it is him?”

Min-ji hummed in response.

Right as they neared, the person appeared out of nowhere, a flash of fire shooting out above them as the man dressed as a witch let out an eerie laugh. Scarlett instinctively bent her head down a bit, but otherwise didn’t react. Fire and zombies did not mix.

“Are you Fedric?” Min-ji asked.

The witch—as he was a witch in species not just costume—stood there for a minute, looking shocked that neither of them had reacted.

Scarlett sighed. “Yes or no?”
