Page 55 of Forever Together

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Octavius was using allthe willpower he possessed to prevent himself from bouncing in place as Turney asked the culprit a question. They had found him! One, Darien Flake, human, and their murderer! The man was probably nearing fifty, and while his body was in shape, his face was deeply lined, his hair fully gray.

“So, you aren’t sure who would want to hurt Kristof?” Turney asked.

“No! He was well liked,” Darien claimed. By the Gods were his lies obvious.

“I agree, he was well liked by all. Well…mostly. There are a few he doesn’t get along with, but not to the point of them wanting him dead,” the other human, named Kate, stated.

“Well, I think that is all we need from you two!” Octavius announced, cutting Turney off as he went to ask another question. Because, like, what would be the point?

His zombie just shook his head in clear exasperation while the two humans eyed him in confusion. Okay, maybe he could have let Turney go on a little longer…they’d only asked about three…two and a half questions. But he was impatient. And he had things to plan!

“Ah, we will contact you if we have any more questions, thank you!” he said with a fake smile as he dragged Turney away.

In the hall, his zombie remained quiet until they got further from the room. “Why didn’t we out him? Or restrain him? Or something along those lines?”

Octavius sniffed. “The reason is simple, my dear Turney. This is a party. A Halloween party. Therefore, things must be done grandly.”

“What?!” Turney barked.

“Speaking of, I need to set things in motion. Shh, let me focus!” Octavius pulled out his phone.

“Focus on what?!”

He shushed him with a finger and aimed a pout the zombie’s way. “I need to send some texts! You can’t expect me to hold a conversation and text at the same time. It can’t be done.”

Turney snorted. “You mean, you can’t do it.”

“No one can!” he exclaimed loudly. Glaring, he hmphed and flipped his phone open as Turney rolled his eyes at him.

Pulling up his texts, he selected the group chat labeledTheBat Pack.


My babies! It is time to gather and carry out my will!


Sounds devious. I’m in!


I don’t know what it is, but I’m protesting. As I’m sure it is likely to cause a spectacle.


Let’s ignore Seti, like we always do!


I’m always up for a little mischief. What are we doing?


As long as it has nothing to do with fire, I’m in… Please choose now to remember that last village we accidentally burned down in England during the Middle Ages. Let’s not repeat that.

