Page 57 of Forever Together

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Octavius huffed. Why did the reaper have to be so infuriating?! Always so many questions!


For us to reveal the murderer, of course!

He closed his phone with a huff. “Stupid reaper.”

“And I thought you two were getting along better,” Turney said with a sigh.

“Oh, no worries. We are getting along fine,” he lied. “But hold your thoughts. I have one last person to text.”

Turney rolled his eyes and waved him on.

Octavius pulled up Jagger’s number and quickly sent off a text.


Jagger, I have solved the case. Bring all your people, with some chairs, and be seated in an orderly fashion on the stage and wait for us.


I will gather them.

“Okay, done!” Octavius said with a happy sigh.

“Right… So, now what? What is this grand reveal you have decided on?”

He grinned widely, staring at Turney with interest. “You’ll see. But first, it’s time for a costume change!” he yelled out, posing dramatically with his arms stretched out, doing jazz hands.

Turney stood there for a moment, face blank, not reacting in the least. It was sort of disappointing.

“You can’t be serious,” the zombie said calmly.

Octavius frowned. “I am very serious. Costumes are serious business!”

“There’s been a murder. Why would a costume change even factor in?!” Turney snapped.

“It’s important for the grand reveal!” he cried defensively.

“Important for who?!”

He narrowed his eyes at the zombie and then slowly smiled, stepping closer. His smile was bright and friendly as he snatched the chiton from Turney’s body.

“OCTAVIUS!” Turney shouted, cheeks reddening as his hands came down to cover his cock and balls.

“You can change, or you can walk around like this. I don’t mind. I like to show off what’s mine.”

“This is blackmail.”

“I call it bargaining.”

“You are such a menace.”

“Yes, but I’m your menace.” Octavius grinned and looped his arm through his. “Come on!” Turney tried to awkwardly keep covering his crotch as Octavius dragged the zombie towards their old bedroom.

Back in Scarlett’s ballroom, the murder victim still lay where he had fallen earlier. But now, there was a red rope connected by metal polls blocking off the deceased and the downed chandelier. It also looked like the floor had been swept a bit, the destruction completely contained within the ropes.

The rest of the guests from the party were there waiting patiently for the spectacle to start. Octavius’ fledglings, Alexander, and the rest of the agency members, minus Theo, were in front of the crowd, right by the edge of the stage.
