Page 6 of Forever Together

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Turney picked up a pan,wincing as he saw the price. A hundred and forty dollars for one pan—how ridiculous. He sat it back down.

“Oh! What about this one?” Octavius said with a giggle of excitement.

He glanced over at the vampire, brow raising at the pan the male was holding. “Octavius…that’s a wok.”

Octavius blinked, head tilting. “Is it? Well, wok or not…it would be a great replacement, wouldn’t it?!”

“Um…not really… The pan you burnt was a medium-sized one. Replacing it with a wok wouldn’t be helpful. As then Scarlett would still be missing a medium-sized pan.”

The vampire frowned. “Oh, I see.” Octavius put the wok back on the shelf.

Humming, Turney faced the shelves again. He looked around a bit before snagging a pan that looked identical to the one Octavius had fried. “This should work!”

Octavius stared at it. “That’s nice…but what about this one?” The vampire picked up a slightly larger pan than the one Turney was holding. “OH! Maybe we can get her two? Two is better than one, right?!”

Seeing the horrifying direction that Octavius’ thoughts were going, Turney quickly said, “No. Scarlett doesn’t need more than one. She has a lot of pans already. We don’t want to clutter up her kitchen. We just need to replace the one you ruined.”

Octavius’ bottom lip popped out as he started to pout. “How boring.”

Turney chuckled as he put the replacement pan into the cart and started to push it down the aisle. “Let’s check out. But maybe while we walk back, you can look around the area on your phone and see if there are any places you think we could get Scarlett some new curtains?”

The vampire started to follow. “I suppose I can do that—OH! LOOK!” Octavius cried out as he skipped in front of him, plucking something from the shelves. Octavius spun, holding up what was in his hand as if it were a prize. “Look at it! It’s perfect! Scarlett needs it!”

He eyed the pan the vampire was holding up. “It’s tiny…”

“I KNOW! It’s perfect. Tiny and cute!”

“Scarlett doesn’t need a tiny pan.”

“How do you know that?! Just think, it will make the perfect egg!”

“I mean…it’s only big enough to hold an egg…”

“She needs it,” Octavius said with a fierce pout.

Turney sighed. “Fine…”

“Yay!” The vampire giggled and set the pan inside their cart.

Shaking his head, Turney followed the giddy, skipping vampire. As they started down a new aisle, he almost ran into him when the male suddenly stopped. Turney’s eyes widened when he realized he was in danger.

They had entered…the Halloween aisle. Why the hell did a kitchenware store even have a Halloween aisle?!

“By the Gods!” Octavius cried in pure joy. “Look at those spatulas!!”

Turney winced.Oh Scarlett… I’m so sorry for what I am about to inflict on you, he thought with a sigh as he watched Octavius rush forward.

* * *

Scarlett stormed through her house,Min-ji following behind her. She couldn’t help but fear the worst.

While Scarlett had gotten through to Turney, and he had assured her there had been no major damage, she knew how accidently destructive Octavius could be. So, she was struggling to believe him.

Mostly, she was struggling to understand why Octavius would dare to cook at all, after all the things he’d accidentally destroyed with fire in the past. Had the vampire started to forget all the shit he had burned down?!

She gasped, eyes wide as she reached her kitchen and walked inside. There was a set of new curtains hanging over her stove… While the place looked intact, there was an unconscionable number of Halloween themed kitchen ‘things’ laid out on top of her island countertops.

Min-ji let out a stifled laugh behind her.
