Page 62 of Forever Together

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“NO! This is my spot, I found it. Get your own.”

Shaking his head, Henry stared for one second longer, before he yanked the werewolf off the table and tossed him over his shoulder like a sack.

Cormac let out a startled laugh. “Are you taking me hostage, Henry?! What a great party!”

Henry rolled his eyes and began to push through the crowd with the wolf.

Turney let out a groan of pain, his head throbbing to the beat of his heart. Cracking his eyes open, he winced as the light seemed to pierce his brain. He stretched. Straight away his body protested, joints popping. The surface beneath him was hard and uncomfortable.

Blinking, Turney's eyes widened as he recognized the ballroom ceiling. How the hell did he end up sleeping on the floor? There was a soft snuffle. He glanced down and almost laughed at the sight of Octavius. The vampire was cuddled up against his chest, snoring and looking an absolute mess. His detective monocle was on his forehead, his vest unbuttoned, hat gone, and his sandy blond curls were sticking up everywhere. The rest of him was not much better. He was missing a shoe, and not only was a button missing on his pants, but it looked like his left pants leg had been torn off at the knee.

Octavius definitely looked exactly how Turney felt.

Sitting up, his head spun as the horrible throbbing worsened… Confirmed—zombies were not only able to get drunk, but they also could get hangovers. Who would have thought?

Grimacing, he peered around, eyes widening slightly at the number of passed out people snoring loudly around him. They had literally partied until they dropped. The floor was packed with people, but a few were passed out on the food tables—with some partly hanging off. At least it didn’t appear any of the food had been pushed out of the way, onto the floor, to make room. The candy bowl had been knocked over though.

His eyes widened as something on the ceiling caught his eye. There was a guy dressed as a giant ass spider, sleeping in the corner of the ceiling. The longer Turney stared, the more he really didn’t want to know. Though, based on the bottle the guy was hugging to himself, he probably wouldn’t know how he got there even if Turney had asked.

To be honest, Turney wasn’t sure how he had ended up where he currently was either, so he didn’t really have any right to judge at the moment. He couldn’t remember much past a certain point. Or really, past the fourth…or was it the fifth, bottle of whatever those crazy ass bats had dumped down his throat.

Where were the others? He could tell Scarlett was in the house, but she was not in this room. Then again, he couldn’t imagine her and Min-ji passing out and sleeping on the floor with so many other people. Looking around, he almost laughed as he spotted Cormac and Henry, but his head was throbbing too much to do that.

Turney was not surprised to find Cormac passed out on a couch with his head back. What was surprising to see was Henry stretched out on the rest of the sofa, with his head in Cormac’s lap, wearing the man’s mermaid wig. That vampire better hope he woke up before Octavius did, because he’d bet his boyfriend would start plotting again if he saw them together.

The doorbell chimed loudly. Turney moaned as the sounds seemed to vibrate inside his skull. Truth be told, the chime could have been soft… His head hurt too much to tell.

Grunting, he pulled away from a frowning Octavius and stood up. Something felt wrong… He glanced down at his body. “Where the fuck did my pants go?”

Still swaying a bit, Turney stumbled forward. Pants or no pants, everything was covered—yay for boxers. Turney navigated through the maze of people laying on the floor, as some of them began to stir while the doorbell continued to chime.

Making his way out of the room, he quickly headed to the front door.

When he pulled one of the doors open, he just barely stopped himself from flinching away from the bright sunlight. Eyes squinting, he stared at the uniformed man who was standing there holding a tablet, a small package, and a letter.

The man smiled at him. The smile turned humor-filled as the guy’s gaze did a sweep of Turney’s body.

He was about to smile back but it froze, no doubt awkwardly, as his addled brain realized that the person was human, and he was now alone with him.

The guy frowned in response.

Forcing a less awkward smile onto his face, Turney quickly asked, “Can I help you?”

“There is a letter and a package for the associates at The Undead Detective Agency. I need a signature from either a Mr. Evander, a Ms. Beaufort, a Mr. Pimms, a Ms. Kim, or a Mr. Laurent.”

“I’m Pimms.” He held out his hand for the tablet.

The carrier handed it over, Turney signed and then exchanged it for the package and letter. That done, he nodded goodbye and quickly closed the door with a relieved sigh.

Oh, that could have been bad. Though…his head and stomach were rolling too much for him to be hungry. The thought of food actually made him feel a bit queasy.

Turning around, Turney walked through the house and back toward the ballroom, but ran into Octavius before reaching it. He found the vampire standing there looking sleepy, and not at all put together. His other shoe was now missing.

Turney smiled. “We got mail,” he said as he handed over the letter, keeping hold of the package. As Turney figured, why not? Surely the letter was meant to be opened first?

Octavius’ head cocked. With a frown, the vampire broke the seal on the letter and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Turney watched curiously as Octavius’ eyes slowly widened, and he began to vibrate where he stood.

“EMERGENCY MEETING!” Octavius suddenly cried out.
