Page 70 of Forever Together

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The vampire’s lips pursed. “You haven’t gotten a chance to drive much lately, have you?”

“Not really…”

“I’m sorry, Turney.” Octavius grasped Turney’s left hand and kissed the top of it. “How about after this case is over, we can see if there are any cool cases dealing with race tracks, or something like that?! Oh! Oh, or maybe we will get lucky and end up in a car chase!”

Turney chuckled. “Sounds like a plan.”

“You know, Turney…you are just as weird as he is,” Cormac said with a snort. “No wonder you two are dating.”

“What?!” Turney gasped and peered into the back at Cormac.

The younger wolf smirked. “Like, Octavius’ weirdness is right out there for all to see. But you seem normal most of the time. You hide it so well.”

“There is nothing wrong with being weird!” Octavius said with an indignant sniff.

“Cormac, you shouldn’t speak about your boss that way…especially not to his face,” Theo said with a huff. “Where did your manners go?”

Scarlett and Min-ji were grinning widely at the exchange. And Henry sat there looking like he was fighting a smile.

Octavius hmphed. “Moving on. It wouldn’t have been wise for us to drive here on our own. According to rumors, the roads to the property are hard to navigate, with pointless streets branching off to nowhere. Some even go all the way to the edge of cliffs, while most just make no sense at all.”

“GPS is a thing, you know,” Cormac pointed out with a laugh.

“I haven’t had any signal for about ten minutes now,” Min-ji said with a sigh. “Though…some map systems do work without signal, I suppose…”

You’d think at this point the driver would speak up and add a comment about the bad signal in the area…but he remained creepily silent. Which is how the guy had been the whole time.

Turney cleared his throat. “Uh, sir? Is the signal known to be bad in this area?”

He waited and…he didn’t even get a single glance in the rearview mirror. No response whatsoever.

Octavius frowned. “Perhaps…he doesn’t speak English?” The vampire cleared his throat. “Scuzati? Este zona aceasta pentru semnale dificile?”

Now, Turney didn’t speak Romanian, but he was going to assume Octavius had just repeated what he’d said. Yet…the guy still didn’t react, not even a glance.

“Well, that’s rude!” Octavius huffed, as he started to glare at the back of the driver’s seat.

Turney had to agree…it was a bit rude. The guy seemed intent on ignoring them. The driver hadn’t even gotten out when he arrived to pick them up. He had just opened the doors and silently sat there, never glancing over or back.

“I…wonder if he has hearing issues. Has he even acknowledged us at all?” Theo asked softly.

“Not even a glance,” Cormac said with a yawn.

Theo’s lips pursed. “Perhaps he just dislikes people?”

“Valid,” Scarlett mused.

Turney snorted. “Anyway, how far away is this place?”

* * *

“Hopefully, not too much further,”Octavius said with a smile, ignoring the strange and very rude driver.

Truth was, Octavius wasn’t sure how long the drive would be. He hadn’t asked, or really, he hadn’t gotten the chance to ask. Godric’s phone kept going to voicemail. He supposed he could have checked a map or two and planned ahead.

Honestly, he was surprised that Turney wasn’t already grumbling about that. But it appeared the zombie hadn’t realized they had jumped in without planning much. Then again, maybe he assumed they’d plan once they got here and met Godric.

Planning aside, they had gathered up everything they thought they may need to get rid of the ghosts, and any possible ghoulish zombie creatures they may find. Not to mention, he was pretty sure, judging by the size of the supply backpack Min-ji had brought with her, that the witch had prepared for every possible danger they could run into.
