Page 73 of Forever Together

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“What if it wasn’t him?!” Cormac yelled out.

“We’ve been drawn into a trap, haven’t we?!” Turney cried.

Octavius didn’t want to think it was, but what else could it be?

“Godric would never betray us like this. He would never betray Scarlett like this,” he said firmly, even as he couldn’t help but think that perhaps he had…

They remained quiet for a moment, just running as hard as they could as the words were left between them. The thunder of feet was a constant reminder of the danger they were in. He knew he sounded like he was being stubborn or naïve, but he knew Godric. The man would never put him, and certainly not Scarlett, in harm’s way. He saw Scarlett as family…

“What if he didn’t have a choice?” Min-ji voiced what he was sure they all were thinking.

“Dayan,” Octavius said softly.

“There is no one else it could be,” Scarlett said firmly. “And, while I’d hate to think Godric would do any of this, the fact is, he does have a weakness.”

“His sister’s line,” he gasped.

Godric may not have any children, or any self-created neophytes, but…he had watched over his sister’s descendants since his change. The line was not as far spread as one would think after two millennia of watching. Plagues and wars having taken many… There were only eight still living.

“If Dayan had gotten hold of any of them…” Scarlett hesitated to finish that thought.

Octavius grimaced, it didn’t need to be said. They were all he had left of his sister. Godric would die for them…and he probably had…

Cormac growled. “This is a bit of fucking overkill, don’t you think? I thought Dayan wanted Octavius alive?”

“Maybe he assumes we will survive this?” Theo said stiffly. The wolf’s eyes were a bright solid golden color.

“Maybe he is hoping some of us don’t?” Henry suggested.

“FENCE, FENCE!” Cormac suddenly started screaming.

Octavius’ gaze snapped forward, his eyes widening as he spotted the large, at least twelve-foot-tall, fence up ahead surrounding the looming façade of the hotel. The windows of the hotel were all lit up. “Prepare to jump!”

“Jump?!” Turney screeched. “That?! How?!”

“You are no longer human, Turney! JUST JUMP OR BE EATEN!” Cormac cried.

“HE IS NOT GOING BE EATEN!” Octavius hissed.

Cormac threw his head back and let out a slightly hysterical laugh. “He will if he doesn’t jump! Oh fuck, what is my life?! Why did I take this job? Why didn’t I run away?! Stupid past Cormac! Stupid, stupid, stupid!”

“You slept through most of our past cases, what are you even complaining about?!” Turney growled.


“QUIET!” Scarlett bellowed. “Get ready to jump, you idiots!”

“Jump!” Octavius screamed when they were about ten feet from the fence. He jumped and made it over, but was tugged back by Turney who seemed to have hesitated and just barely missed making it over the top.

Octavius held on tight. They dangled over the fence. Turney was on one side and him on the other, linked by their hands. The horde plowed into the fence then. It groaned in protest.

Turney screamed, kicking his feet out as ghouls tried to drag him down. They tore at his clothes, snapping the backpack off his back in their efforts to pull him down. Octavius felt a rush of panic as he felt himself starting to be dragged upward. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed onto Turney’s hand with both of his and yanked as hard as he could, tugging the zombie up and over the fence.

He winced as he landed hard on his back, his grunt matching Turney’s when the zombie landed on top of him.

Octavius took a deep breath, just lying there for a moment. Turney’s head lifted up, meeting his gaze. There was fear in his eyes. He cupped the zombie’s face. “It’s okay, we made it.”

Turney kissed him on the lips, his bun was trembling. “I don’t think we are safe.”
