Page 75 of Forever Together

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“It’s possible that Dayan’s doing that too,” Cormac said.

Octavius frowned. “There is a way to block signal now?”

Turney eyed him. “There are these things called cell phone jammers… I’m surprised you haven’t seen them in those spy and detective movies you love to watch while I sleep.”

The vampire often woke up in the middle of the night to sneak off and watch movies while Turney was sleeping. Most of the time Octavius would sneak back into bed before he woke up, but there had been a few times he caught the tail end of the movies with him. And each time they had been movies about a spy or detective, or something along those lines. It did make him wonder if vampires possibly didn’t need as much sleep as zombies. Probably was just Octavius…he seemed to be wide awake at random ass times.

Octavius shrugged. “You know I tend to watch the classics.”

“Makes sense,” Cormac snorted. “Jammers have only been around since the late 90s. If he’s watching old movies, they wouldn’t have them.”

“How does Dayan even know about jammers?” Turney asked with a frown.

Octavius’ head titled. “I suppose he could have learned about them since being freed.”

“Doubtful,” Min-ji drawled. “I suppose it’s not a well-known fact, but Knights are able to learn about new world changes, even if they aren’t there to witness them. It’s a mechanism to help them easily adapt, or in this case, help them not be left clueless after being locked away for years.”

“They what?!” Turney snapped.

“That’s so…cheatsy; how is that even fair?” Octavius hissed with irritation.

Turney couldn’t help but agree. It’s seemed like such bullshit that the bastard was locked up for years, and they don’t even get to benefit from it!

“We are getting off topic,” Scarlett drawled. “Jammers, world knowledge or whatever aside, this is Dayan we are facing. He’s blocked us in here for a reason, and I would bet that the ward was not a last-minute thought.”

Octavius sighed. “You are right. It’s unlikely that the purpose of the ward is only to keep us in and the horde out. Dayan planned this. There has to be some other reason. He knows we aren’t going to sit here and break the ward. We break it, the horde comes in. The problem is, why does he want us stuck in here with a barrier in place that would take time to break? If he had only wanted to get us in here and to keep the ghouls out, he could have used a much simpler spell.”

“I don’t know much about this Knight, but it wouldn’t have been easy to capture a witch capable of such a spell. So, I’d have to agree, it’s not just a random decision,” Min-ji stated. “Do any of you sense anything else in this building? I know it’s huge, but anything at all?”

Turney left the job of listening to the others. They’d be able to isolate the sounds better than him anyway.

Octavius’ eyes turned red as the two wolves closed theirs. Scarlett and Henry appeared to be just letting the others listen. Then again, he supposed Octavius was older than Henry, and had his ‘super vamp’ mode. Were werewolf senses better than a zombie’s? Something to ask later…if there was a later.

“Nothing,” Octavius said with a sigh.

“Yep, not a thing,” Cormac agreed.

“It’s as quiet as that forest was at one point,” Theo said.

“I was afraid of that,” Min-ji groaned. “There are probably things hiding, other than just the Knight. I’m guessing more spells.”

“Did you feel any spells when we were outside?” Turney asked.

The witch shook her head. “Not all spells have a notable presence. And spells meant to conceal things are understandably lacking one. To be honest, there would be no point in using a spell to conceal something if the presence of the spell itself notifies those passing that something had been concealed.”

That made sense. Well, this all sounded great, really fucking great! They’d been plotted against, there were probably traps and other things all around them, and they were basically stuck between a horde of ghouls and an insane homicidal maniac, and who knows what else.

“What do we do now then?” he groaned.

Theo walked past them, moving closer to the front desk of the hotel. Turney eyed the wolf.

“We look for Dayan,” the older wolf said firmly, before turning to face them with a determined expression.

Turney tried to muster up the same determination. He tried to believe that things would work out. No, he had to believe they would. They had to survive. There was no other option. Turney couldn’t believe they’d go through so much, only for it to all end here. Surely fate had other plans for them? What would the point be if it all ended now?

* * *

Octavius eyed Theo…The wolf was obviously determined to make Dayan pay. As much as he wanted Dayan dead, and had been preparing to take the Knight down, Octavius was worried.
