Page 38 of Don't Pray

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“Love you too, kitten.”

“You know I love you,” Asmodeus reminded. “But I’ll say it again. I love you.”

I smiled and released Meph, stepping away from the guys and sighing.

“So,” I said. “Let’s eat breakfast. I’m starving after coming hard like that.”

Legion smirked, and Asmodeus snickered.

“Our cum didn’t fill you up?” Legion teased.

My stomach clenched, and heat bloomed in my cheeks. I rolled my eyes but smiled as I pushed past them and sat at the table with my plate of food. The others followed suit and sat at the table. We ate and chatted about our plans for what we wanted to do for the day.

It was nice to relax while enjoying a good meal with great company. Even though I had a rough start in life that drove me to the point of wanting to kill myself, I no longer wanted to die. Now that I had three wonderful demon mates, the medicine I needed years ago to be stable, and a better life, I didn’t want to kill myself.

Life was good.

The End
