Page 12 of Satan's Priest

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I’d sipped my drink and searched for the blonde once the VIP door opened. It would have been a waste of money if she’d left early since the party went on for hours. I’d spotted her with Daiman, who had his arm around her waist as another young woman took their picture. The incubus demon had released some of his pheromones, causing a flush in the blonde’s cheeks.


An incubus demon’s pheromones were potent. With just a little released into the air, he could make the victim succumb to him, desperate for a release only he could provide. Even so, she didn’t throw herself at him and rip off his clothes.

A woman in the room laughed over the blasting music. Her exuberance appeared disingenuous, as if she was attempting to mollify a man’s emotions by pretending to find his joke amusing. Human women were all the same. They acted like they shared your interests to get into bed with you. Being a rockstar, I saw a lot of that. Even when I worked as a priest, women were interested in having sex with me. Those religious god worshipers were freaks behind closed doors.

I pulled my gaze away from the blonde and smirked as I glanced at the other women in the room. Almost all of them showed signs of arousal—flushed faces, glassy eyes, rapid pulses, and the musky scent of lust. I was tempted to grab one of them and feed from them. My energy levels were high and needed to be lowered soon. After tonight, I’d find a woman and release myself into her womb. If I couldn’t find a human woman, I’d search for a succubus.

A large body folded itself next to me with a heavy sigh. “The show went great,” Asher said. He lifted his hips to get comfortable and then tapped my arm, which earned him a glare that he couldn’t see. “Did he say anything yet?”

I shifted my gaze from him and tilted my head, cracking some joints and letting out a satisfied groan. Despite the discomfort it brought, I wore the weight of the mask as a statement. It was a dog whistle, so to speak. My band and I were tied through him. It also kept our identities a secret. The last thing I wanted was to be approached by fans while working as a priest.

“Hey,” Asher huffed and slapped my arm again, trying to get my attention.

I glared at him from the corner of my eye.

“Yes,” I answered, my voice a mere rasp from singing for hours.

Leaning forward, Asher perked up, resting his arms on his knees with his hands dangling between his legs. “Well?”

I turned my gaze back to the girl. She looked around the room until her eyes fell on the annoying brunette I’d encountered before. She had her tongue tonsil-deep in Cain’s mouth, and he’d pulled up his mask to the top of his head to give her better access. My eyes flickered back to the blonde. She heaved a sigh and surveyed the room again, finally landing on the couch I sat on once more. Her cheeks turned bright pink, and her eyes widened like a scared doe watching the hunter aim his weapon at her.

Her fear was well founded. What I planned to do to her didn’t fall under the umbrella of good intentions.

My dick came back to life from this nameless girl’s close presence.

I can’t touch her.

“Well, who is it?” Asher asked.

I drummed my finger against the glass.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

“The blonde,” I murmured, low enough for only him to hear.

Tensing up, Asher surveyed the room and found her. He turned back to me and leaned in. “You want me to get her, or are you going to?”

Tap. Tap. Tap.

“I will,” I answered.

Asher placed his hands on his knees, readying himself to stand up. “All right, then I’ll catch you later.”

As he walked away, I rose to my feet and crossed the room, sitting at the opposite end of the couch from the nameless girl. Tense silence stretched between us.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The current song stopped, and conversations filled the silence.

“You’re here to meet the band, yet you haven’t approached me,” I said. “Why is that?”

The attractive blonde’s body tensed, her spine straightened, and she inhaled sharply. She turned her face toward me. Her pretty emerald eyes widened and filled with fear.

I made her nervous.

She wasn’t the first, and she definitely wouldn’t be the last.
