Page 38 of Satan's Priest

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I passed Slinky, who lay on the kitchen counter and watched me with narrowed eyes. When our gazes met, she bared her teeth and hissed.

I clenched my jaw and walked into the laundry room to leave. It was dark as midnight in there. I stepped outside into the cold, then shivered and wrapped my arms around my chest to keep warm. I hadn’t considered wearing a jacket over my short leather dress. As if the thing inside me knew I was freezing, it heated my body until sweat rose on my skin.

I ground my teeth together at the reminder of my unnatural return.

Lucien will pay for this.

And what was I going to do? Fuck him to death? I didn’t even know where he lived or what he did for a living when he wasn’t playing at venues with his cult band. Besides, I didn’t want to touch him. Just the thought of him over me, staring at me while he fucked me, made me want to hurl my guts.

I shivered, and not because I was cold.

Fifteen minutes later, I stood outside the packed frat house. Jack-o’-lanterns with candles inside them decorated the lawn. Fake cobwebs stretched over the large front porch and connected to the archway near the sidewalk and street.

The partygoers were dressed up for the holiday. Most of the young women wore slutty outfits—kind of like what I wore. The guys were more creative. They wore masks; some masqueraded as demonic rabbits, and others wore theScreammask. Some had come as a demon with horns.

A girl screamed. I turned toward her shrieks and watched as a masked man pinned her to the pillar on the porch. She grinned and pushed back his mask before they started making out.

Heat pooled low in my belly, and my stomach growled.

“Feed,”the voice rasped.

I moved without registering it. Whatever had a hold of me pushed me further beneath the surface so I didn’t have control.



Iwandered through the packed frat house, keeping close to Grace, who didn’t know I’d been following her. For the last few days, Daiman and I alternated shifts when we watched her.

I hated that I had to babysit her when I had other responsibilities.

I still hadn’t found a new sacrifice for Lucifer. If I made him wait much longer, I risked facing his wrath. That was another mess I didn’t need on my hands.

My eyes kept roving over Grace’s body like she had just stepped into my bedroom, buck naked and telling me to fuck her senseless. I had to keep reminding myself that she was just a kid. It didn’t matter that she was eighteen goddamn years old and legal. I couldn’t allow my dick to get hard while looking at her without also feeling guilty about it.

My cock hadn’t gotten soft since I spotted her. She wore a black leather dress that clung to every curve of her body like a second skin. Her ample breasts nearly spilled from the neckline. Her hair waved past her shoulders, and a few strips were dyed black.

What got me the most were the fucking horns on her head. They were obviously fake, given that they were attached to a headband, but they looked real because of their spiral texture and black coloring.

A male demon’s horns were the most sensitive part of his body. Other than his cock. When a partner touched us there, it was a sure way to make us lose all control and turn into feral monsters with one thought in our minds: to fuck them and bury our seed so deep inside of them that they could taste it.

A pulse of power alerted me that we weren’t alone. If I were to guess, it was Daiman who joined us. The demon lusted after the teen. His intentions were abundantly clear when he’d shown me the pictures of her changing into her school uniform. He wanted her until I read the two little numbers that made the both of us come to a screeching halt.

“I Spit On Your Grave” by ZAND thumped through the large speakers in the front room. Despite the song drowning out most of the chatter, a few people yelled over it to talk to each other. I couldn’t help but smirk at the irony of the lyrics.

I noticed movement from the corner of my eye as Daiman pushed through the crowd. He’d dressed up for the event, just like I had. We both wore skull makeup on our faces, and black shirts and pants. I finished off my look with a black jean jacket with safety pins and zippers, while Daiman sported a leather one.

Daiman had slicked back his black hair; a few pieces were out of place and hung over his forehead. My unruly locks reached the bottoms of my ears.

We looked at Grace simultaneously, watching as she walked further into the house and disappeared into the kitchen. Daiman and I moved as one, trailing behind her.

“Have you checked on the boy?” I asked him, not needing to yell for him to hear me. Demons had supernatural hearing and vision, so it would have been pointless to raise our voices.

Daiman made a noncommittal noise. “Yeah. They moved him out of the ICU, but he’s staying at the hospital for a while. The kid looks like he’s on death’s doorstep.”

I worked my jaw and rolled my head to work out the kinks in the muscles. “Has she fed since you last saw her?”

From what I gathered while watching her, she hadn’t touched anyone. I hoped that Daiman would tell me if she fed again because that would mean another teen boy would be in the hospital. Or the morgue, depending on how far Grace went while feeding.
