Page 74 of Satan's Priest

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My control snapped. It was like all the anger I’d built up my entire life had finally boiled over. I didn’t want another man to lay his hands on me, and I sure as fuck wasn’t about to let this stranger take me to some unknown place.

I snarled and lunged forward. My fingers circled around his throat. He yelled. The sound echoed in the trees. The thing inside me came to the surface and pushed back into my mind to watch. The man shrieked as I squeezed his throat with one hand. I stuck the other into his mouth.

“I warned youuuu,” the thing in me growled.

Hands grabbed me from behind, yanking me off the man I was about to torture. I shrieked, lunging forward, only to be caught again. My back met a large chest, and a hand covered my nose and mouth, holding tight so I couldn’t breathe. A large figure dressed in a robe walked past me. He took slow, measured steps toward the sputtering man who struggled to get up.

My lungs burned for air, and I jerked against the arm wrapped around my waist like an iron band. The mysterious man turned, showing me his masked face. I could only see his mouth, which was painted black with white skeleton teeth.

“I do hate cleaning up your messes,” he scolded.

My head swam, and the corners of my vision blackened.

“Take her to my house and stay with her until Grace is back,” he ordered the person who held me.

The last thing I heard before I passed out was, “You’re in big trouble, angel.”



Icrouched in front of the shaken man, whose eyes bounced between me and where Daiman disappeared with Grace in his arms.

“Who the hell are you people?” he yelled. He looked me in the eye and frowned. “Don’t tell me you’re part of some cult.”

The corner of my lip curled. “Very smart.”

He wasn’t wrong. My band and I could be considered a cult since we had different beliefs than regular people. That and we sacrificed humans for Lucifer. That was very cultish.

He scoffed and sat up while rubbing his throat, which I assumed Grace had squeezed with her tiny hand. “Be an asshole all you want, but I’m out of here.”

I commanded the shadows to slide around his wrists and ankles, holding him in place. “Oh, if you think I’ll let you walk away, you’re very mistaken,” I taunted.

“What the . . .Hey!” the human yelled as I raised him into the air with the shadows. He wiggled and tried to free himself as I stood and cocked my head. “What the fuck are you?”

“What did you have planned for the girl when you pulled over?” I inquired.

“Let me go!” he screamed. “I don’t want any problems with you!”

I smiled, but it was more like baring my teeth. Nothing about this situation amused me. Grace’s demon had been seconds away from killing the man before Daiman and I showed up.

“No, you see”—I raised him higher into the air, watching with a bored expression—“when you pulled over and got out of your car, you signed your death warrant. I’ll ask one more time. What did you have planned for her when you pulled over?”

He gasped as I wound a shadow tendril around his neck and squeezed, only allowing a small amount of air to get through. “I-I was going to fuck her!”

I narrowed my eyes and clenched my jaw. “And?”

His face turned red, and he wheezed as he tried to inhale deeper breaths. “I c-can’t breathe.” I loosened the shadows just enough that he could gasp in a breath before I tightened them again. “I was going to . . .” He gasped for air, a groan welling in his chest. “I was going to let my . . .”

I narrowed my eyes. I already knew where he was going.

“Let my friends . . .” He gasped for more air as I loosened the hold before tightening again. “Fuck her when I brought her back . . . back to my place.”

Rage burned through my veins, and I envisioned him split from throat to stomach with his guts hanging out and his ribs flared like wings.

“Why?” I asked. It was a stupid question I didn’t need to know the answer to. Human males were sick bastards who abused their women. I’d watched them for as long as they had walked this earth. They saw women as inferior to them—as nothing but pussies to fuck.

It reminded me too much of myself and my outlook on everyone. Especially Grace. But I saw the girl as more than just a pussy to fuck. Men like this piece of shit didn’t.
