Page 81 of Satan's Priest

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Daiman raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“My demon came out?”

He frowned, displeased about the situation. “She did.”

“No one saw, right?” I yelled. If Father Thomas knew about it, he’d call the church and my father. I was more scared of what Dad would do to me than some priests, though.

He blinked. “Lucien got you out of there before anyone could see. Though you left a nasty mark on him.” A muscle popped in his jaw, and he looked over my face like he was searching for my secrets. His eyes narrowed. “Is there something you need to tell Lucien and me?”

I swallowed hard and leaned away from him, but he held me still with his hands on my hips.

“N-no,” I whispered.

He watched me, his eyes flicking over my face and seeing every twitch of my muscles. I glanced at his horns, still shocked that he had them.

“Can I go now?” I asked as I scooped my finger toward the wetness on my face. I looked at the milky substance and, without thinking, popped it into my mouth and tasted Daiman’s cum.

His eyes darkened, but he still glared at me, waiting for me to tell him everything. I didn’t want to. What would he say once he knew my dad had touched me?

“How long are we going to play this game, angel?” he asked out of nowhere.

“Huh?” I swallowed the goopy semen, and my core clenched.

“Fuck him. Make him ours,”my demon rasped inside my head.

“How long will you continue to punish yourself for whatever you’re running from?”

I tensed and leaned away from him, wanting him to stop touching me. He held me still, refusing to let go.

“What are you talking about?” I squeaked.

He sighed, stepped away from the bed, pulled a toothpick from his pocket, and put it into his mouth. I scrambled off the bed and fixed my shirt so my breasts were no longer out. Daiman scowled as I backed away from him.

“You’re running from something. Punishing yourself and shying from my touch, other than what we already do.” He cocked his head and crossed his arms over his chest while rolling the toothpick between his teeth on one side. “How long are you going to play this game? Because I promise you, it’s not helping you at all. You need to feed from fucking. You can’t continue to get by with just scraps.” I opened my mouth to argue, but he said, “I won’t stand by and watch you wither away for much longer, Grace. I know you want me. You proved it five minutes ago as you swallowed my cock.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Why does it matter to you? Why can’t you do what you’re told and teach me how to be a demon? Maybe I don’t want to go all the way with you!”

I didn’t mean for that to sound so immature.

Daiman just stared at me, not answering any of my questions.

I let out a sigh as my shoulders slumped. “Take me home.”

His jaw clenched, and a muscle ticked in the corner. “So be it.”



Iwalked into my kitchen, heading straight to the liquor refrigerator to grab the whiskey. After I set it aside, I grabbed a cup made specifically for an Old Fashioned and dropped a sugar cube and a dash of Angostura bitters into it.

“I’m guessing you took care of the problem,” Daiman said behind me.

I added a splash of water and let the sugar and bitters dissolve before filling the cup with whiskey. “You could say that,” I mumbled, adding an ice ball to my drink. I peeled an orange and added the peel into the cup for a garnish. Raising the glass, I sipped the strong alcohol and savored the taste.

“Did you find out why?”

That was a good question. I’d watched those kids surround her and caught a flash of her dropping to the ground. A boy—Justin—pinned her down, depending on his friends to block my view as they formed a wall with their bodies. Before any of that happened, I’d watched Justin talk to her. Whatever he’d said had upset her because her face twisted from irritation to shock. When I felt the shift in the air, I’d known Grace was seconds away from changing into her demon form. I’d crossed the space between us in a flash, yelling at the kids to go inside. I’d picked up Grace and carried her away from prying eyes. That was when she’d changed and attacked me.
