Page 114 of Carrying Your Lies

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Thetensionintheroom is palpable as soon as I enter. Savannah’s head is slightly bowed as she absentmindedly stares at her screen. On the other side of the room, Ray’s fingers come crashing down on his keyboard. Neither speak nor look at me.

It’s fair to say their recent breakup has put a wonderful end to their continuous banter. Their office is as cold as the room Elliot occupied before I burnt him to ashes. Both scenarios bring a small smile to my lips.

“Are you ready to leave?” I ask.

When she looks up at me, I see the red that rims her eyes. She clears her throat. “Yes. I just have one more thing to get done.”

I check the time on my watch despite knowing it’s past six-thirty. “It can wait until tomorrow. You’re two weeks from your due date and have had a twelve-hour day. Log off,” I order.

Her eyes flicker to Ray before coming back to mine. “It’ll only take a few minutes. I can get the tube home if you need to leave.”

“Savannah.” The single word has a warning dripping from it.

“Leave my PA alone,” Ray instructs, still looking at his laptop. “She had enough time to complete her task list before the end of play. It’s not my fault she’s slow.”

I know better than to get involved. I know losing my temper will only raise questions. So, I remain composed. “She’s due in seventeen days,” I try to reason.

His empty eyes turn to me. “If she’s unable to fulfil her job description, then I would advise she takes early maternity leave. I won’t make any sacrifices inmyworkplace.”

Savannah’s silent pleas are ignored as I step towards Ray’s desk. “Are you dissatisfied with her work?”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “More dissatisfied with the time she wastes crying after receiving constructive criticism.”

Savannah walks over with a folder before carefully placing it on his desk. “All the errors have been corrected.”

He doesn’t look at her. He flicks through the pages and nods his approval. “You’re dismissed.”

Savannah fiddles with her fingers as she hesitates. “Can I start at ten tomorrow? My mum was asking—“

“Am I your friend?”

Her mouth opens and closes a few times before saying, “What?”

His eyes narrow. “I’m not your friend. You are my PA. I am your boss. I don’t care to hear about your personal life. If you needed the morning off, you should have submitted a leave request two weeks ago.”

“That’s enough,” I bark. “I don’t know what’s happening between you, but this nonsense stopsnow. This is a workplace and not a playground for you to hash out your personal problems.”

My move is complete. The knight is off the board, but I still need to keep my new queen on my side. She needs to knowIwill protect her.

My interception gains back some of her confidence. She squares her shoulders and gives us a half-smile. “I’ll be in at ten tomorrow. I’ll make up the hours another day, or it can be docked from my pay.”

Ray doesn’t give in so easily. “Don’t bother coming in at all if you’re not here at 8 a.m. I’ve given you enough leeway, and I’m not doing it anymore.” He turns to me. “Consider this my formal notice that I wish to request a new personal assistant. The relationship between myself and Miss Hayes was a poor decision.”

The use of her own words against her makes her flinch. “Hux…” She says nothing else, but the tears brimming tell all she can’t.

This is hurting her.

“I’m letting you go, Miss Hayes.” His voice is strained as he says the one thing he doesn’t want to. “Thank you for your service.”

“Don’t do this,” she begs.

“The hours of this job are too demanding for a woman in your state. I can’t ask you to commit to something you aren’t ready for. And I won’t lower my expectations. Please enjoy your maternity leave.” He turns his attention back to his laptop, effectively dismissing us.

I hold Savannah by her elbow and guide her out of the office. She keeps herself together until we get into the car. The moment I close her door, her head falls into her hands, and she cries. The drive home continues the same way. She doesn’t speak to me even when her cries die down. She stares out her window the entire time.

I’m about to ask her what she wants for dinner when I spot the stranger loitering outside my gates.
