Page 145 of Carrying Your Lies

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“You’re the one that needs help! I’m going to tell them everything!”

I shrug. “Go ahead. They won’t find anything. Every secret you discovered, I buried even deeper.”

“I’ll dig it up myself! I’ll bury you in the truth.”

“You lost, Savannah. You can either tell them and prove how crazy you are with your conspiracies of a CEO committing murder and stalking you, or you can stay silent and spend the rest of your life in a care home for the crazy.”

“You said you would let me go,” she cries.

I shake my head. “No. I said I wouldn’t kill you.”

Her eyes dart around the room. “The cameras.”

I straighten my tie. “I stole a move from Emery. Can you guess which one?”

Savannah falls into her thoughts. Her eyes are wild, trying to figure it out. She runs past me to the light switches. The sound of the switch being flicked up and down accompanies her panting but, otherwise, does nothing else.

“The breaker,” she says.

I turn to face her. “A smart move by my conniving wife.”

Savannah laughs. “The generators turn on within ten minutes.”

Anger fills me. Even after everything, she’s still too stupid to understand. “If there were generators, don’t you think I would have seen you weren’t in the guesthouse? Do you think of me as a moron? An idiot? A fool?” I take a deep breath. “There’s no proof of anything.”

She runs towards me and lunges for my neck. Her nails scrape against my skin as she claws at me. “I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you!”

With perfect timing, the doctors walk in and pull her off me. I put on my best scared, sad face as she goes down, kicking and screaming.

Tears are forced out of my eyes. “Tell me where she is, Savannah! Tell me where my daughter is!” My begging is hardly heard over her screaming.

“He set me up! He did all this!”

She thought she couldstealfrom me. I step towards her. “You tried to steal my baby. Where is she? Please?” My voice cracks towards the end, adding to the effect of a desperate father.

“Mr Rivers, please.” The female doctor stands between us. “I understand you’re worried, but we will find your little girl. Once she’s medicated, she will tell us.”

I yank my tie away. “What if you’re too late? What if…”

Savannah screams as the second doctor tries to control her.

“Please don’t hurt her,” I beg. “Please let them help you, Savannah. Don’t make this harder than it is.”

She runs towards me in attack mode. “You did this!”

The male doctor pulls her off me.

“I did this to help you,” I plead.

As expected, Savannah snaps and begins to get hysterical. “He did this! Check the diamonds!” Her screams continue as she’s forced out of the house to the car that waits for her. Her fingers clasp around her necklace. She tugs on it until it snaps off her neck. She throws it into the night.

“Can I have just one moment with her? I need her to know I’m here. She has no one else.”

The two doctors nod and take a step back.

Savannah doesn’t look up from the ground, accepting her fate by remaining completely still.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me. I lower my head so my lips rest at her ears. Only so she can hear I whisper, “Zugzwang.”
