Page 2 of Carrying Your Lies

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Knowing Hayley isn’t around to tell me off, I turn my back to the till and lean against the counter. “Listen, I’m grateful you got me in. It’s been great money, but I don’t know if I want to continue. Honestly, I’m tired. Working here full-time and then dancing four nights – I am exhausted. Let me save us both the hassle and quit.”

Mia flips her perfectly manicured middle finger at me. “Get off your high horse. Apologise to Chris and get back to shaking that money maker. Unless you suddenly have a money tree in your garden, how do you plan to repay the money you owe? Your shitty ex isn’t going to pay you back. You have your mum to take care of and bills to pay. You have got to learn how to control that mouth of yours. It’s too fucking big,” she laughs.

I tap my shoe against hers as a thank you. “If I see that man again, I’m going to dig my heel into his fucking dick.”

“Or you could use that big mouth and get more than just a load of his cash.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

A throat clears behind me, making me jump. The grey eyes flicker between Mia and me, with amusement dancing on his features. If a God exists, He took His time creating this fine creature. With thick locks of dark chocolate hair, a sharp jawline coveted by a beard and grey-blue eyes, any woman would swoon over him.

Today, he wears a navy suit, white shirt and sky-blue tie.This is definitely my favourite colour on him. His tailor-made suit makes him look taller and fits perfectly around his toned build.

I smile at him. “What can I get for you, Mr Rivers? Another refill?”

His chuckle is deep, and I feel it everywhere. “I’ve told you before, call me Xavier.”

“When your watch costs more than my rent, I would rather not. Another flat white?”

He nods at me.

“How’s business?” I ask over the noise of the machines as Mia makes his drink.

“Very well. How is your mother?”

“Good. She was delighted to see me yesterday.”

His perfectly shaped brow raises as he asks, “And the ex?”

I roll my eyes. “I believe you’re breaking your end of the agreement, Mr Rivers.”

His soft chuckle can barely be heard as the coffee beans grind behind me. “Ah, yes! You shared the information so long as I didn’t bring him up again. My apologies, Savannah.”

When the ping of a notification interrupts, he plucks his phone out of his pocket. His fingers deftly tap away on the screen, and I stare at the platinum band that rests neatly on his wedding finger. I can’t help but wonder if his wife is as beautiful as him.

Of course, she is.

A rich, successful, handsome man wouldn’t marry any ordinary woman.

I have wanted to GoogleXavier Riverssince he first entered this ridiculous establishment. But I held myself back all because of that wedding band. I don’t need to add any ammunition to an obsession – especially with a married man. He has an aura around him that forces all your attention onto him. I haven’t figured out if it is his good looks, his staggering height or that he commands your attention with just one word. When he looks at me, I feel like molten lava – burning under his piercing stare.

I walk over to Mia. “Why is he so hot?” I ask.

She eyes him before turning back to me. “He’s hot foryou, that’s for sure.”

“He has a wedding band on,” I whisper.

She scoffs. “So?” She gives me a pointed stare. “When has that ever stopped a man before? The guy has been in every single day for the past four months,” she reminds me. “He always makes conversation with you. Hell, the man invites you to sit and have coffee with him. He wants you, and I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to have sex with him on a bed full of cash.”

Before I can respond, she walks over to Xavier and hands him his coffee.

He stares at the cup briefly before looking directly at me. It seems as though he is having a conversation with himself. “Savannah, would you care to join me?”

Mia shrugs her shoulders as if to say, ‘What did I tell you?’

I should say no because of the ring on his finger, but Xavier Rivers isn’t a man you can easily say no to. “I have five minutes before Hayley gets back.”

He leads us to the table he has occupied every morning he comes here. Every day is the same – he orders a coffee, takes the seat he has claimed as his own, works for thirty minutes, orders a second coffee, continues working, tips me a ridiculous amount and leaves.

He takes his seat with class and elegance. He straightens his cuffs and gestures to the seat in front of him.
