Page 28 of Carrying Your Lies

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Emery stands front and centre as she gives a speech about how proud she is of her husband for his hard work and drive.

Blah. Blah. Blah.Just the other day, she was bitching about how he never has time for her. I stifle a snort when she ends the speech with a declaration of love despite openly telling me she resented him.

Xavier takes over, and his speech also drones on, talking about how the company started, his dream, his belief, and finally ending by thanking his wife for her ‘unwavering support‘,‘sharing his passion’and ‘patiently loving him’while he works to build a future for them.

The entire thing makes me gag at how obnoxiously fictitious it is. In fact, they deserve an Oscar for their award-winning performance tonight. But I am the only one who can see through it, so I stand with the crowd and applaud them as they gently kiss each other.

The dinner is delicious, and I enjoy it with Francesca’s company. I ignore the flirtatious smirks Huxley sends me whenever I put something in my mouth. I catch Xavier’s curious gaze when he glances over at us.

After dinner, I excuse myself to the ladies’ room. I touch up my makeup and exit into the dimmed hallway.

“Savannah,” Xavier calls.

I sigh as I walk over to him. “Yeah?”

“Is there a problem?”

Yeah, your marriage is a joke, yet you want me to give up everything in my life to carry your child.


“Did my speech bore you?” he jokes. “You looked unimpressed.”

I purse my lips and fight back a laugh. “Yeah, lies are usually unimpressive.”

“What does that mean?”

My stare is full of surprise. “Are you really asking me that question?” I go to walk away before changing my mind and giving him my honest opinion. “I don’t understand you, or her, for that matter. Why are you putting me through this if you don’t love your wife?”

He reaches out for me before changing his mind. “Are you unhappy?”

“You’re the unhappy one in your loveless marriage.” I throw his own words against him.

“Lower your voice,” he orders calmly.

My fists ball at my sides. “I grew up in a hostile home. I know how it can fuck a child up. I don’t want to be part of that.”

His features contort into a deadly stare. If looks could kill, I would be dead instantly. “You need to remember your place, Miss Hayes. You are not here to critique my marriage.”

“Then maybe you and your wife shouldn’t bitch to me about your marriage.”

His shoulders square as he stares me down. “You do as I say, and I don’t remember ordering you to analyse my marriage.”

Standing before me is not the man who said whatever felt between us wasright. As I look at Xavier, I realise what a fool I’ve been. He’s a man who wants to screw over the wife who screwed him. It’s not love or lust that has him looking at me like he does – it’s betrayal and revenge. He wants to hurt her the way she hurt him.

I clench my jaw and get into his face. “You might have a wife that follows your orders like abitch, but not me, Mr Rivers. You don’t own me.”

He grabs my wrist. “I have a contract that says otherwise.”

Don’t hit him.

“The baby is your property.” I step up to him. “A baby that isn’t inside me yet. Right now, I can do whatever I want.”

He smiles at me as if he didn’t look murderous seconds ago. “What would you like to do, Savannah? Drink alcohol? Go back to stripping? Have sex?” He looks down at me. “Is that what this is about? Do you want my permission to go out there and fuck your pathetic ex again?”

The laugh comes out before I can stop it. “Does that make you angry?”

He closes the little distance between our bodies. “You fuck him, and we’re done.”
