Page 48 of Cruising for You

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Adam and I conferred silently with our eyes and then settled on the bench just next to them.

“Jenna, are you going to spend any time with your family this summer?” Grandma asked.

I explained about my sister’s wedding.

“A wedding!” Beverly exclaimed. “How exciting! Is Adam coming with you?”

“For a few days, at least.” Adam had his arm around me, and he caressed my bare shoulder with the tips of his fingers. I reached for his other hand and laced my fingers through his. At that moment snuggled into Adam’s side, being with him felt sorightthat breaking up seemed ridiculous.

“That’s impressive, Jenna. I couldn’t even get him to come tomylast wedding.” Beverly shook her head.

“Observe the doctor face off against the wedding guests as he leaves his natural habitat of the laboratory.” Nicole’s measured voice mimicked that of a documentary narrator. “He’s flagging—can’t handle that many at once. He makes one last attempt at small talk and then falls, never to rise again. But that’s nature for you.”

Even Adam laughed at her joke. “Parties aren’t my thing,” he acknowledged.

“But you’ll go for Jenna.” Grandma beamed at us.

“Yep.” Adam looked at me, his smile warm and intense. I hadn’t imagined I was asking for the emotional equivalent of a kidney from Adam when I suggested we exchange family gatherings, but it meant a lot now that I knew. Westin had always managed to put off meeting my family with all kinds of invented reasons and excuses, and the simple fact that Adam was willing to join me was reassuring.

“Maybe you can get him to come to Thanksgiving. The last two years he’s had to work, but I’d just love to have you—all of you.” Grandma patted Beverly’s knee.

Beverly kissed her cheek. “Thank you. I might just have to take you up on that.”

“Do you already have plans with your family for the holidays?” Grandma asked me.

“Not exactly. I mean, I’m sure they expect me to come.” I squirmed a little on the bench. I couldn’t make Thanksgiving plans with Grandma when I wasn’t completely sure what would happen tomorrow.

Adam, probably sensing my discomfort, offered a way out. “It’s hard to take off both Christmas and Thanksgiving at the hospital. We’ll have to look at our schedules and see what makes sense.”

“If we decide to do Christmas instead, that’ll give Nicole and me more time to find new boyfriends to bring!” Beverly laughed and squeezed Nicole’s shoulder.

Nicole’s lips made a tight line. “I guess I’m not entertaining enough to come on my own.”

Beverly laughed. “Don’t be silly, I was just teasing. I thought you wanted a boyfriend.”

“What I want is for you to leave me alone,” Nicole retorted.

Grandma pressed Nicole’s cheek with a wrinkled hand. “I think you’re just perfect.”

“Of course, I accept you. I just want you to have the life you deserve!” Beverly fiddled with the ruffle on her dress. “Is it wrong for a mother to want the best for her child?”

I winced. Beverly wasn’t much like my mother, but that sounded like something my mom would say. And there was really no way a daughter could refute that logic.

Adam squeezed my shoulder gently before speaking. “I like you the way you are, Nicole, and I’m happy to spend Christmas with you, boyfriend or not.”

“Now you’re both ganging up on me. How did I raise two kids who can’t take a joke?” Beverly threw her hands in the air.

“Probably because you didn’t do that much to raise us,” Nicole muttered.

“I can tell when I’m not wanted.” Beverly stood up. “I’m going to go change for dinner.”

I felt Adam’s body tense. “Wait. I’m not sure this is the right time to have this discussion, but there’s a lot of stuff Nicole and I need to work through from our childhood.”

Nicole shot Adam a look, but it was surprised rather than angry.

He wasn’t done. “Maybe it would be a good idea to set up some kind of virtual therapy after the cruise? Just so we can get some of this stuff out in the air.”

I pressed Adam’s hand; proud he was trying to be there for his sister the way she needed. And a little impressed that he was sticking to his point despite his mom’s reaction.

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