Page 50 of Cruising for You

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Jenna looked at me for help, and I gave her an encouraging nod. Yes, I’d wanted to take her to see the fireworks and share a romantic moment, but I knew she had a hard time disappointing anyone, and it wasn’t like I wouldn’t see her again in Philadelphia.

She took a small breath. “Adam and I have plans to watch the fireworks together, actually.”

Mom waved her hand a little more dramatically than the situation warranted. “You two will be together back home, but we only have one more night with you!”

I nodded, conceding the point to my mom. It was their last night with me, too, but I couldn’t blame anyone for preferring Jenna’s company.

“Um...” Jenna’s head tilted from side to side. She sat up a little straighter. “I can stop in after the fireworks are over, if that’s not too late.”

“You come on any time, sugar, and we’ll be pleased to have you,” Grandma told her. Jenna beamed in response.

The two of us made it up to the top deck after dinner was over, snagging a nice spot by the railing where we could see the sunset on the ocean just as it dipped under the horizon.

“Way to go,” I told her. “You stood up for yourself back there.”

“Thanks.” She smiled at me.

I couldn’t resist trying to coax a laugh from her. “You know, I’m extremely proficient at saying no to social invites. I’d be happy to give you tips.”

“Sounds great!” She chuckled. “Maybe I’ll get so confrontational that I’ll finally be able to tell my mom I prefer her chicken divan without curry in the sauce.”

I inclined my head. “It’s probably the only thing I could teach you, so you’re welcome.”

“Don’t forget surfing and golfing,” Jenna teased.

I tilted my head closer to hers. “I don’t want to brag, but I’m also pretty good at ordering takeout.”

“And you can diagnose any weird diseases I contract.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Are you having any symptoms?”

“Well, my heart keeps racing, and I’m experiencing some obsessive thoughts.” Jenna ticked two items off her fingers. “I may also be losing my good judgment.”

“Cognitive impairment, huh? That sounds serious.” I pretended to frown at her.

“What do you suspect?” Jenna gripped the collar of my polo shirt in mock fear. “Don’t spare me.”

“I think maybe you’re in love?” I said the words gently, testing them in my mouth.

Jenna raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What’s the treatment?”

“This.” I kissed her softly.

“Is it one of those treatments I have to keep taking for the rest of my life?” Jenna’s eyes were big as she stared at me.

I thought I knew what she was asking—did I see us together in the long term? I kissed her again. “Absolutely.”

Jenna kissed me back before pulling away. “Adam—”

“Wait,” I begged. “Let me tell you something before you say anything.”

She nodded for me to go ahead.

“I still don’t know if I believe in love, but whatever you want to call it, I know for certain I don’t want to be without you.” I swallowed hard, scarcely believing what I was about to say next. “If you need me to, I can look for a new job, maybe at Penn or Jefferson.”

“What?” Jenna pulled away so she could see my face. “You’d do that?”

“It would probably take a while, and there’s no guarantee I could get a job in Philadelphia.” She already knew all that since she’d recently gone through a job change. “But yeah, I would.”
