Page 163 of Screw it Up

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I’m an asshole.

I tug on one of her arms and pull her into my lap and hold her there wordlessly, hiding from the world with her. Her heart is beating at a thousand miles a minute.

Recognizing the song drifting from her headphones, I start to sing her softly in her ear.

Sarah lifts her big, wide molten-gold eyes to mine, gasping. She touches her headphones to stop them, and blinks several times.

“That’s…how…your voice. Marius,your voice.”

I smile. “I wondered when you’d catch me.”

I knew she would, eventually. It’s not like I just sing in my videos; I also talk a little before and after.

“You’re Specter. Oh my god, Marius, you’reSpecter.”

She’s shaking the front of my shirt as I laugh. “I’m aware,” I tell her.

“What the hell, Marius? How are youSpecter?”

I roll my eyes. “My mother’s an opera singer. It’s plain statistics that at least one of us would have caught the bug.” After a beat, I say, “She’s sung to us our whole lives, and when we were kids, we sang along, too. Even Markus.”

“No!” Sarah’s shocked.

“Oh, yeah. We even had lessons for a while. Then it wasn’t cool anymore. I kept it up for longer than the others, and they kept pulling my leg about it. So I stopped too. But I like singing.”

“So you did it in secret. With the mask and everything.”

I nod. “Ma knows; I record myself in her studio. She helps me train and practice, too.”

“Oh my god,Marius! No wonder I wasn’t scared about you although you’re psychotic. Your voice has pulled me out of panic attacks foryears.”

“I figured as much after the trip to the farm.”

I always wondered why she was never scared of me, even when I was genuinely trying to terrify her.

I like the fact that I earned her trust unknowingly, doing what I love doing.

“Marius, why are you pre-law? Why aren’t you out there singing every day?”

“I sing,” I say, lips against her neck. “And that’s enough for me.”


“You know the etymology of the word amateur? Amare, in Latin. To love. That’s what I want—to keep loving it. I don’t want to mix business with it. Besides, I like to argue and win. Being a lawyer is pretty much perfect for me. And one of us has to be, to keep my brothers out of jail.”

She chuckles, her dark mood gone.

“Can we go? I need to be inside you, and this floor is hurting my ass.”



Morgan is utterly shit at keeping secrets. Not that many people can keep secrets from me if I suspect something, but she does a particularly terrible job of it.

It’s amusing, really.

Whatever it is, I’m certain it’s irrelevant, and she should just come out with it and say it, but I let her try to sneak around, thinking she’s getting her way.

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