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My girl worked so hard at school that I wondered when the last time it was that she actually slept in. She never indulged in such things, so I decided I wouldn’t disturb her until I absolutely had to.

I went into the kitchen, put away the bag of groceries, and cooked a traditional American breakfast meal with a side sprinkle of drugs. I knew I should feel guilty, but until she accepted me, this was my only choice. It was too dangerous to give her space I knew she would demand, so I needed her to be calm and compliant.

I plated the food and sat it down at the table. I wanted Eden to sit on my lap to eat, but we’d likely not get that level of romance at all this morning. She was going to be mad at me.

I went back into the master bedroom and ran my hand down her back to wake her.

She struggled to open her eyes. “Where…?”

Eden saw me standing by her side and blinked in disbelief. I smiled. She tried to pull away but realized her hands were secured to the frame of the bed. She opened her mouth to scream.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

She settled immediately. Her terrified doe eyes blinking at me. Good. At least she was being reasonable. I leaned close to remove the padded cuffs.

“If you’re a good girl for me, I’ll take you to get something to eat,” I purred in her ear. Power like no other rushed through my veins as I took in her vulnerable form. “Would you like that?”

She nodded.

I freed her.

She rubbed her wrists as she glared at me. If looks could kill, I would have been incinerated on the spot. However, it didn’t deter me from my next move, which was to scoop her into my arms.

“Put me down!” she cried.

“No.” I walked into the dining room and plopped her down on the chair in front of her plate.

“I’m not hungry,” she declared. “And I’m naked.”

“Eat,” I barked. “Now.”

She narrowed her gaze, but her stomach betrayed her. We had skipped dinner last night’s pizza dinner to indulge in different appetites. She was hungry.

“I’m a little nauseated,” she confessed. “From the drugs you used to abduct me.”

“Nothing like bacon and eggs to set your day off right,” I commented blandly. “The nausea will pass once you put something in your stomach.”

“I’ll eat if you bring me something to wear. I’m cold.”

She was lying, but I was nothing if not a gentleman. I went to the room and returned with a large t-shirt of mine. I pulled it over her head unceremoniously. Though she didn’t say anything, I saw her settle into it, smell the material, and release a satisfied exhale as if my scent brought her some small pleasure.

Seemingly happier, she grabbed her fork and took a small bite of the meal in front of her. Then another. On the third bite, I noted that Eden wasn’t eating the eggs. I frowned.

What had I missed? She loves eggs.

I snapped my finger as the answer came to me. I got up from my chair and went to the fridge. I collected the bottle of ketchup and, when I returned, set it in front of my little Eden with a smile.

She didn’t say anything, and my smile lost some of its wattage.

I shrugged. No matter. I would just put it on for my girl then.

I opened the ketchup and dosed her eggs just right.

Just like she liked them. Smothered.

We ate in silence after that. When Eden’s fork scraped the bottom of her plate, I ate my last bite as well. Now, it was almost time for me to put her back to bed.

“Finish drinking your water and then head into the bathroom for a shower,” I commanded.
