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“What could I possibly do for you, Mr. Petrov.”

Respect given was respect earned. We would work well together.

“You can be my eyes and ears. I’m new to the area, and I need to establish connections.”

Before he could answer the waitress appeared.

“What can I get you fellows?” She pulled out her pad to take our order.

“Two cheeseburgers, no pickles. What do you want on yours?” I wouldn’t presume what he liked and didn’t like. Even though I’ve lived my whole life with an iron fist of commands and control.

“I want the works. I don’t dislike any foods.”

How could he when he was living on the streets starving? “Add fries, and anything else he wants to that order.” I may

as well show him I could spoil him.

“Can I have a milkshake?”

I nodded yes.

Once the waitress took off with our orders, I got down to


“I’m not from around here—” Roman snorted. “You don’t say.” I leveled him with one look.

“I mean your obvious accent—” He then shut up immediately and took a huge gulp of water.

Good to see I still got it.

“Like I was saying, I’m not from around here. My home is way across the other side of the world. I need someone who knows how to get what I need in this country. In exchange, I will feed you, clothe you, and train you. Once I’ve gotten my empire back, you will reap the benefits.”

He squinted his eyes at me in suspicion. “What kind of bene- fits, and what’s this training?”

“You’ll be paid a large sum of money to keep working for me. I’ll put you in the best schools and I’ll make sure that your every need is met. However, loyalty is very important to me. Do you understand this?”

He nodded.

“Good, as for the training, I need to teach you how to fight and use weapons, bare minimum. You’ll need to learn how to defend yourself and protect me. I have a lot of enemies.”

“So, you’re like a bad guy who does bad things?”

I shot him a knowing look. “Does it matter?”

“No, sir.”

The waitress came back with his milkshake, and I decided

that was enough explanations. I couldn’t rely on Roger for everything anymore. I had to forge new alliances. I needed to learn about the culture and the area.

Our food came out, and we wolfed it down.

After we ate, Roman reluctantly followed me back to my hotel. He kept casting me suspicious glances, and while it annoyed me, I said nothing. I imagined that, in his case, experience was the mother of all knowledge, and he likely learned early on to be suspicious of men wanting to take him back to their room.

When we reached the hotel, I went to the front desk and secured the room next to mine. I then offered Roman a copy of my room key in case he needed to get it, but I purposely did not request a copy of his. This seemed to relax him. However, I did make him promise he would knock before he just barged in and interrupted me, and I would do the same for him if it ever applied.

I sent a text to my errand boy and asked him to pick up a few things for Roman. “I’m going to head out. If you need anything, slip a note under my door, and I’ll get it for you. Order as much room service as you want and have them bill the room. My personal assistant will be coming by with some new clothes for you to wear. Make sure you get yourself in the shower, please.”
