Page 12 of Mine

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“What? It’s not like she’d have to worry anyway; her daddy would just make it go away for her.”

Bewildered, I just stare at him. He really can’t help himself.

Unable to take much more right now, I head toward the front door. “I’m gonna go unload the car.”

“I’ll help.” Dale volunteers.

“No! Dude, I need you to help me check out the bunk cabins.”

Apparently, that’s all the convincing he needs because Dale and Jason leave through the back door. They turn left, the opposite way to the kids cabins.

“Let’s go claim a room.” Billy winks at Laura.

“Gross,” Amy mutters, scrunching her face at me.

“That’s all I see with you four, all day, every day,” I tell her, wiggling my finger back and forth between Laura’s and Billy’s retreating backs. The smile on my face tells her I don’t really mind.

Laughing, Amy follows me out to the car. “You love us.”

“I do.” I nod. “It’s the only way I’d put up with Jason.”

“I know.” She nods. “I think I’m going to break up with him,” she whispers.

“I’m sorry,” I tell her, but I’m not really. Good riddance. The man really is an asshole.

Amy shrugs. “Plus, I can get good sex elsewhere.”


Dropping the last bag into the cabin doorway, I nod toward the car.

“Think Laura will mind if I borrow her car?”

“Oh yeah. Like slept through her alarm on the day her parents are visiting kind of mind.”

A laugh slips out before I can stop it. “We shouldn’t laugh,” I tell Amy when her giggle joins mine. “She was genuinely a nervous wreck.”

“That’s because her dad has a stick constantly stuck up his ass.”

“True.” I nod.

“Why? Where are you going?”

Stepping backward off the wooden porch, I point my thumb behind me. “I’m going back to pay for the gas.”

“It’ll take you like an hour to walk that!”

“Probably.” I grimace. “But I won’t sleep tonight if I don’t make this right.”

“Here.” Reaching into her pocket, Amy hands me twenty bucks. “I’ll halve it with you when we head back Sunday?”

“Thanks.” I appreciate it.

Smiling, I head back toward the main road, which sits at the end of the dirt tracks running through the camp.


