Page 6 of Mine

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But my mind can’t do it. I want more from her than her fear.

I want her lips swollen and red as I forcefully shove my fat cock down her throat. I want her lips to quiver as I fuck her and refuse release until she tells me she loves me. And more than anything, I want to watch as her tears roll over those plump lips and hear her cries drown out my moans as I fuck my seed into her.

My body hums. I don’t think I have ever wanted anything so badly.

Not even my first kill.

For the first time in my twenty-eight years, not only do I desire a woman but I want her enough that I have zoned out. Too caught up in fantasizing about our future and what I will do to her that I don’t even notice her moving.

Something that will never happen again. I fucking know better! Always be aware.

This is how you get killed. I should know.

My annoyance shows on my face, a sneer taking over. But my girl is too far gone in her own irritation to notice the danger she’s in.

“Urgh.” She stomps her foot. It’s cute.

Cute?What the fuck is wrong with me?

Disbelief and a little disgust run through me. I want to fuck a woman more than I want to kill her. I’m normally content to fuck my fist as I wash off the evidence of my crimes, so I don’t know what to do with her. All I know is that I don’t want this to end yet.

I don’t want her to leave my side.

“I really, really didn’t want to have to pee in the woods. Are there bears here?” she asks, looking panicked. “Am I gonna have to pee with a giant freaking bear watching me?” She doesn’t wait for a response, instead only continues to wind herself up more. “A big, giant, pervy bear. All because I insulted Jason when he was being mean, and now, he needs to get his dick wet to prove a point. Like why?” she asks but doesn’t wait for an answer. “I already know he’s a giant asshole.”

The angrier she gets, the more her arms flail. Her body rotates between facing me and the woods. Seeing her perfect ass wrapped in tight jeans reminds me of how she felt pressed against me.

When I start to imagine pinning her arms behind her back, bending her over and fucking her in full view of her precious boyfriend, I pull myself together.

Taking a steadying deep breath, I take the few steps needed to walk around her and push the men’s toilet door open.

Holding the door, I nod at her to go inside, to which she scrunches up her face.

Fucking adorable.

And because I both detest and am not used to speaking, I bark, “Inside, little one.” Needing to see how far I can push her, I say, “No bear gets to watch you pee.” As she passes me, I add, “Except me,” and wink at her when she pauses.

Her face tells me she’s not sure if I’m joking, and her beaded nipples tell me she’s not sure whether she wants me to be serious.

But I rarely joke. Another thing she’ll get used to.

Giving her ass a sharp slap, I encourage her to enter the bathroom and close the door behind us. The overhead lights flicker as I shut out the bright winter sun. And because I meant what I said, I press my back against the door to stop anyone else from coming in.

She stands in front of me wringing her hands, unsure what to do.

“You have needed to use the bathroom since you almost dented my truck. So I suggest you place your cute ass on that toilet before I decide you need help with going.” My throat screams at me, pain shooting through it with every word.

Once she has decided I’m not bluffing, or at the very least doesn’t wish to find out, she turns and scurries toward one of the stalls on our left before quickly coming straight back out.

She must hear me sigh because she spins to face me, pointing back at the stall. “That. Is disgusting. I would rather give Goldilocks and the bears a free show.”

I fight a smile as she goes into the middle stall.

Again, she exits quickly. “Why is there no door? What exactly do men do in here?”

I don’t even try to hide my smile at that, nor do I offer an answer because I don’t have one.

She barely reaches the door at the third stall before gagging and backing up until she hits the sink. Gripping the edge of the porcelain behind her, my girl considers her options.
