Page 67 of Mine

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“I said no.” Daniel pants, his face just above mine.

He pulls out of me, careful not to graze my clit. His hands are gentle as he turns me to the side, pushes my legs until they are bent, and spreads my ass cheeks.

“No,” I whine, my word ending on a sob as he removes the ginger.

My body thumps with excitement, and the feeling of being on edge doesn’t leave me.

I lay there with Daniel’s large body looming over me, boxing me in. When I realize that he will, in fact, leave me like this, anger and guilt build in my chest.

After all, I caused this.

The first sob is quiet, muffled by the bedding. The second is louder, stronger, and earns me a kiss on my shoulder.

My sobs grow, coming quicker and stronger, each one earning me another kiss until, eventually, Daniel lays me out so he can lay his body over mine, sandwiching me between himself and the bed.

I let his weight seep in. The pulse between my legs and the burn in my ass recede after a while, and slowly, my eyes drop.

A hand combs through my hair.

“Sleep, Charlotte. You will need your rest. You’re not my good girl again, just yet.”



Last night was . . . different. Exciting and painful. Everything and nothing.

My body hummed throughout the night, waking me in intervals. Daniel was right there to deny me each time I shifted with need.

His hand slapped away mine when I tried to sneak it down the front of my body, and his leg pried mine apart to deny me any friction.

This morning, I’m tired, horny, and very, very sorry.

But he’ll forgive me when he comes back. Hope and excitement bloom in my chest, and heat fills my pulsing crotch.

I turn my head, pressing my cheek into the pillow, and moan. The sound is muffled by the panties Daniel placed in my mouth.

I rock my hips, but even when he’s not in the room, Daniel controls my pleasure.

We woke tangled, his body still stretched over mine. My body shivers at the memory of his stern eyes watching me, tracking me as I used the bathroom first thing. The way his face was shrouded in mischief made his enjoyment clear.

I almost cried when his father called requesting help to load his truck in town, something about staying at the cabin for an extra few days and Christopher needing help restocking supplies.

Emotion had been clear in his father’s voice when Daniel agreed to meet, making me think it was something else. He wants to see his son.

So I put on a brave face and promised to be a good girl, his good girl, while he was out. My words were met with a smirk and a glint that told me I would not like what happened next.

And I haven’t, at least that is what I keep repeating to myself as I lie here spread open, wanting and waiting.

“Do this and be my good girl again.” He whispered those words into my ear as the final rope was tightened around my wrist.

The air was cool; a small fire had warmed us through the night, but Daniel had extinguished it on his way out, not wanting to leave it unsupervised. He promised to return before I got too cold.

My nipples bead painfully, and while the room is cool, I know the room temperature isn’t the sole reason. My body hasn’t calmed from last night. The sex was phenomenal, painful, and arousing beyond my belief, but I needed that relief, even if I had to beg him when he returned.

The speech I could give runs through my head when I hear it . . . voices.

Someone is on this floor. No, people—more than one—and they are heading right this way. My stomach drops, and my heart stops. Holy fuck.
