Page 24 of Genevieve

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Abel’s loud laugh fills the warehouse, and I see Anton flinch at the sudden sound. Good to know something can scare him.

“I don’t negotiate with traitors, politicians, or assholes. So here’s my counter offer. You take Genevieve’s place in jail where you belong for the murder of your father, selling of women, and numerous counts of child pornography that you so love to get off on. You now have three seconds to accept.” Jesus Abel.

When will he learn not to test crazy people like that?

Anton snorts and turns slightly to see where I am. He looks into my eyes and calmly speaks two words that stop my heart.

“Blow it.”



“Copy.” The earpiece in my left ear is attached to my other phone, still outside in my car.

The men I have back in Nevada have now been given the order to blow up the MSMC clubhouse. I can hear over the open line the explosions that are taking out the loved ones of that club.

I smile for my sister as a look of horror crosses her face. The door behind her opens, and a gun points over her shoulder at me. I put my hands up in mock surrender.

“Take her. She’s useless to me now,” I say into her little whores face.

Genevieve is pulled from my view and the door slams shut. I pull down my shelves and look up at the drone still over my head.

“I do hope your family is ok. It’d be a shame for those babies to be orphans. The system isn’t a place to grow up. Those children end up in all kinds of nasty situations. One parent is better than none, Mr. Brooks. You take care.” I take one step before a bullet wheezes past my head.

I stop cold.

“Your henchman are pathetic, Anton. My family is perfectly fine and was never in danger. The difference between you and me is I don’t hire off Wish dot com. You fancy yourself unbreakable, but I assure you, broken is only the beginning of what you are going to feel when I’m done with you. I’d call your attorney sooner rather than later. You’ve got a lot of questions to answer.” The drone flies out the broken window and I curse.

I jog out to the limo and get inside before the driver can open the door for me. I grab the spare phone and curse at the headlines flooding the news channels. I slam my fist into the seat and scream.

“Boss?” His voice makes me want to shoot the back of his head off.

“Thurgood Marshall Airport, NOW!”

I dial my attorney and finish my call with him as I’m boarding my private plane. The flight attendant looks at me several times with a coy smile. I take her offer for a drink, and when she swings her hips around to me the third time, I grab onto her and force her to her knees.

I start the camera on my phone to record and prop it up while pulling my dick out. The eager little thing starts sucking before I even say a word. I look into the camera and speak to the woman. I really want to do this.

“You’re next, Aurora.” I push the bitches head down and hold her there until no sounds leave her body and then cum harder than I have in months.

“Soon, baby, really, really soon.”



“Dammit, woman, calm down. It’s me.” I whisper yell in Genny’s ear.

“Miya?” I pull her further down the hallway back towards the window I used to sneak in.

“Hush now, baby, let me get you to safety.” She pulls me to a stop, kisses me, and pulls my second Glock from my holster.

“Lead the way.” I nod and take point.

We make it outside in time to see Dragon dropping the bodies of the FBI agents in front of the SUVs they took Genny away in. He looks up and taps his ear. I had turned my coms off.

“Good Dragon. Found on road dead fits those assholes. Hustle back. Anton is heading to his limo.” Abel’s voice sounds satisfied.
