Page 30 of Genevieve

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We’re officially late, and I’m getting antsy sitting trapped in the cramped back seat. My leg keeps bouncing, and I tap my fingers on my thighs, not wanting to rush them but needing out of this car. When it gets to the point that I’m about to scream my frustration Karma opens her door and steps out.

Thank fuck.

“Genny, don’t let him get to you.”

I smirk at Karma’s version of a peep talk.

“As long as he doesn’t try to marry you off to a man, I’ll promise to be civil.” I snort as I climb out of the car to join them.

“And why am I here again?” Since they’re acting like they planned this shindig.

“So I don’t bitch slap her father,” Judge says calmly.

“And to bail us out when I knock him out when she’s done,” Karma adds, and I nod.

“As long as everyone’s roles are clear. Shall we, ladies?” I place my hands on the smalls of their backs as we walk into the building.

“Just don’t tell Dylan. She’ll never let me out for girl’s night again.” I push the button on the private elevator and wink at the guards who watch us angrily.

We all walked right past the metal detectors like we owned the place. Well, technically, one of us does. She just doesn’t know it yet. One of the many reasons we’re here today. Daddy dearest is trying to get right with God.

Once the elevator doors close, Karma moves to Judge and clasps her hands.

“Cannibal, I”m assuming you have a plan already in the works?” Karma says as the doors open into the penthouse.

“Always.” We walk in and are greeted by a butler and taken to a formal seating area.

“Care to share?” Judge hisses at me.

“Nope.” I pop the P as I sit back on the expensive leather sofa, placing my ankle on the opposite knee and spreading my arms out across the backrest of the furniture.

Judge looks two seconds away from lunging at my neck to strangle me when a bell rings, and Mr. Akihiro Fukuma walks into the room and bows.

“Otosan,” Karma stands and bows back while Judge stands and nods.

I just keep my ass in the seat cause I’m comfortable.

“Mr. Brooks, it is customary to stand when your host arrives.” Akihiro frowns down at me.

“Where? Japan cause we ain’t there.” I grin at the old man’s face.

“You’re manners have not improved.” I chuckle and finally stand, offering him my hand to shake.

“Manners? What are those?” I ask in jest, but his frown deepens.

“You both speak as if you are well acquainted.” Judge points out, making Karma frown now.

“We should be. I’ve been Akihiro’s contact for the NSA for ten years. We’ve gotten to know each other well. Haven’t we, Hiro?” I use his shortened name, looking at Karma and seeing realization dawning on her face.

“You son of a bitch.” That comes from Judge a second before she backhands me.

I may have deserved that, but not for the reasons she gave it to me. When she hears the whole story, she may regret not hitting me harder.



“Otosan?” The little respect I try to keep around my father is slowly dwindling down the higher my anger rises.
