Page 39 of Genevieve

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“Ok, Judge. Point proven.” Satan chuckles at us.

“Well played. Let’s get inside.” Abel smiles and waves at the people gossiping about our sexual status.

The blessed air conditioning hits my face, and I place the back of my hand on my hot cheeks.

“That blush looks good on you.” Genny smiles at me.

“I’m going to spank your ass later. What came over you?” I bring her into my arms and place my forehead against hers.

“Our conversation in the shower.” I nod, understanding.

“No more hiding.” We get upstairs to my father’s, I mean my office now, and find Abe and staff setting up a brunch buffet.

Josie and Josephine are seated, talking, and Aurora is in a corner arguing with Manny. Interesting, I wonder if this is the backup plan Abel and Satan mentioned in the limo. Before I can ask, Abe calls out to all of us.

“You better be hungry, assholes. I’ve been cooking all fucking day.” He pulls an apron off and tosses it on a chair.

“Bébé, come on and eat. Unless you’re hungry for each other after that kiss?” Holy shit.

“MAMA!” Genny exclaims while everyone else laughs around us.

* * *


“You need to calm down.No one knows we are here. I promise you are safe. Have I lied to you yet?” Manny tries to stop my worries but having my family all here with a target on my back is not safe, no matter how truthful he’s been to me.

“And I did feel safe with you. Away from here. But now, all my family is between me and Anton, and he does not give up. He’ll find out I’m here, and someone will get hurt when he comes for me. Because he always comes for me.” My voice gets louder while I speak until everyone is watching us.

“I can’t keep you hidden underground for the rest of your life! That is no way to live, Rora.” He yells right back, not caring who is listening.

“No, but you can until Anton’s over. Which should be in two days.” Abel looks at his watch as if he’s certain of the day and time of my ex-lover’s death.

“How can you be so sure?” I cry, begging and wishing it was true.

“Because I’m going to kill him,” Genevieve announces to the room.

A sob escapes me but not for the loss of a man I spent years thinking loved me. It’s from relief because the only way I can live without Anton Blair in my life is if he’s six feet underground.

And even that may not be deep enough to seal his evil in a casket.

“Are you sure you can do this? You’ve suffered enough, Rora. Your presence is just an insurance policy. I will not play this move unless there is no other way. I swear I’d never put you in that position.” Abel clasps my hands in his.

I remember all the games of chess we played growing up together. He never once cheated or let me win just because I was younger, smaller, or a girl. I only ever won once, and that was because he was distracted by Dylan. She’d just been rescued and was a complete mess. Even then, he couldn’t hide the love he had for his future wife.

His skill at mind games strengthens my resolve to do the right thing.

“How many moves ahead?” Because I know how he plays.

The smirk he gives me before kissing my cheek tells me all I need to know. Anton lost this game before he knew he was really playing. I sigh, and when I back up, thinking the wall is behind me, I find a hard chest instead.

Manny snakes his arms around me and holds me tight to him, and doesn’t let go.

“I got you, little one.” He whispers into my ear.

A shiver runs down my spine. I believe him, and that’s a dangerous thing to feel right now. I can’t let anyone get close to me until this is all over, but I failed miserably at it. I haven’t trusted anyone but family in a long time, but I trust Manny.

I just hope it doesn’t get him killed.
