Page 9 of Genevieve

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I look around the room, and other than the guard that walked me in here, I can’t see a single other person here. I tilt my head at the man in front of me, who finally looks up and meets my eyes.

“Who exactly should I be speaking to then if there is no one here?” Before he can answer, I hear raised noises.

I turn in my chair, thankful the guard did not cuff me, and see an open door hiding behind a filing cabinet. It must go to another set of offices or maybe even the front of the police precinct. I point in that direction and open my mouth to ask if the person I need is in there when I hear Abel’s voice loud and clear.

“If my client has not been charged, you can not hold her.” I sigh in relief until I see a man in a cheap suit with a badge on his hip come in the door and close it behind him.

“I’m Detective Monroe. You are being charged with the murder of Clarence Davenport.” I cut him off because if he’s going to do his job this badly, I’m not going to sit here any longer.

“Admiral Davenport, you will refer to him by his correct title. Mr. Monroe, is it? The time for you to charge me with an alleged crime would have been before detaining me without Mirandizing and holding me without charge for….” I trail off and look at the cellphone on the desk in front of me.

“Thirty-six hours. I won’t even complain about not being fed or given water. I believe I heard my attorney in the other room? I would like to speak with him. NOW.” The detective goes maroon in the face.

“You must think you’re a smart girl watching all those crime tv shows but guess what? That isn’t how it works in the real world. Maybe daddy should have sent you off to law school. Then maybe you wouldn’t have killed him and gotten caught.” Oh, this asshole is just asking for it.

“I see, so is it because I’m a woman or that I’m black that you are choosing to be so ignorant of your own job that you didn’t even do a background check on me?” He looks like a fish out of water trying to think of a way to not look like a misogynistic, racist prick.

He doesn’t have a chance in hell. I glance at the intake guy and smile.

“Cher, do you have the background check for this outstanding detective?” He nods and hands it to me, which I pass to the jackass in front of me.

He flips through the file, and the moment I see his eyes widen, I stand and start walking for the door he came in through.

“Not so fast bitch.” The guard says, jogging to stop me, but I look at the detective with one eyebrow raised.

“Since she is only a person of interest at the moment, she’s free to go pending her hearing with Judge Carmichael tomorrow morning.” He throws the file on a desk and turns his back on me.

I open the door smiling at the guard.

“You won’t be smiling for long, so you better enjoy it.” She hisses at me as I start walking out, but I stop and turn even though I hear Abel calling me.

I lean in close and whisper so she’s the only one who can hear my words.

“Don’t let the suit or feminine demeanor fool you. We all have a role to play. You should remember your place on this food chain.” I close the door in her shocked face and turn to see Abel and Cane waiting for me.

“Miss me, Cher?” Abel waves paperwork at me.

“I fucking hate LA. It’s full of idiots, wannabes, and fake everything.” He sneers at the chick, trying so hard to catch his eye with her big giant tits.

He shoves his wedding ring in her face like he’s giving her the finger, and she just shrugs.

“Jesus, get some self-respect, young lady!” He grabs my hand as soon as he can reach me and drags me out in the late evening air.

It’s humid as hell but compared to the cold, damp cell I’ve been in, and I can appreciate the difference. I follow Phoenix to a black SUV and get in when he opens the door. Dragon is behind the wheel, and I climb over the backseat to hug him to me.

“I lost hours of sleep worrying about what had happened to you.” I kiss his cheek and flop back in my seat.

I start to take off my clothes as soon as the SUV starts moving. Phoenix got in the front, and Abel joined me in the back. I drop my suit jacket on the floor and reach behind my back, and unsnap my bra. I pull it through the sleeves of the camisole and sigh in relief.

“Feel better?” Abel chuckles and hands me a bottle of water.

“Cher, you have no idea. I need a shower and a burger. Those fuckers didn’t feed me a damn thing.” I chug the water while Abel growls about inhumane conditions and quality of life.

“Save it for the Judge, Cher. What time do I have to be in court?” I kick off my heels and bring my legs up to sit Indian-style on the seat.

“Nine am. Judge Lucille Carmichael, twenty-six years on the bench. She looks legit, with no trace of bribery at first glance on her financials. We should get a fair hearing.” I nod and lean back, closing my eyes.

“Murphy’s law Cannibal. Let’s plan for the worst-case scenario.” I hear his snort.
