Page 11 of Destined

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“Leave Mercy out of this. I’m more than willing to meet with your boss.”

The vampire smirks, “And have you massacre us like you did the coyotes? She’s our insurance that you behave until we can get you to the Den.”

“I had nothing to do with the coyotes.” I tell them, knowing that they won’t believe anything I say. “Ask your boss. He had my brother and I tied to chairs while that was happening.”

Several of the other vampires exchange nervous looks but the one with the gun doesn’t so much as blink.

I jerk the shirt Mercy is wearing down her body, covering her from the males surrounding us. She moans when I lift her off my flagging cock and set her on her feet in front of me. The sharp scent of my cum fills the room as it trickles down her legs to pool on the floor between her feet as I pull my pants up. The woven threads of the stretchy fabric strain to the point of bursting around my monstrous form.

The vampire never takes the gun from Mercy’s head or his eyes from me.

“Shift back.” He demands.

“You’re threatening my mate.” I growl at him. “I can’t justshift back.”

He gives me a bored look that tells me he’s not going to budge on this.

“Why not just kill me now?” I grit through my teeth.

“It’s not my place,” the vampire sneers. “Although, I’d enjoy that honor very much.”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and try to convince my beast to back off.

We can’t chance them hurting Mercy,I tell him.But as soon as she’s safe, I swear you’ll have free reign.

My beast growls, and it’s a power struggle between us for a moment, but he slowly recedes, and I take my human form again.

“Jarik, no.” Mercy whines into my chest. “I don’t trust them.”

“I don’t either, but they have the upper hand.” I narrow my eyes at the vampire. “For now.”

The vampire doesn’t seem concerned. Keeping the gun pressed against the back of her head, he steps to the side and waves for me to move. The other males, there are a dozen that I can see, and I suspect at least that many I can’t, circle us and lead us out of my house to a waiting van. As soon as we’re pushed into the back, the doors are slammed shut behind us and the vampires separate Mercy and me, forcing us to sit across from one another. They arrange themselves so that there are two on each side of us, guns drawn and trained. Before I have a chance to react, the young leader clips a thick metal collar around Mercy’s neck and when she screams and starts to fight, my beast begins to rise once more. But Marcus’s vampire minion is ready with the distraction and quickly clips a matching collar around my neck as well.

“Don’t.” He warns me when my claws spring free to shred the metal. “Her collar is triggered to explode if you shift.”

My beast whines and it takes all my strength to force him back down.

“Won’t that kill everyone in this van?” I snort.

The vampire gives me a droll look, “Apparently, we’re all expendable. So, if you have a death wish, by all means…”

“You’ll pay for this,” I promise through gritted teeth.

The vampire is young, probably just recently locked into his immortality, and he shrugs. “Maybe. I’m fucked no matter which side I’m on so I’m just trying to stay alive for as long as I can.” He taps the side of my collar, “In case you plan to sacrifice your mate; shift, and this will self-destruct as well and… well, even your beast can’t do much damage without a head.”

With a snarl, I force myself to lean back into my seat, keeping my eyes on Mercy across from me. Her blue eyes are wide and locked with mine while the bitter scent of her fear is quickly filling up the small space of the van. Keeping my eyes on her, I try to connect with her through the flicking of a bond I’ve started to notice.

Whatever it takes, I won’t let anything happen to you.

Her eyes are locked with mine and she tips her chin in a faint nod just as the engine rumbles to life. Not once do I take my eyes off Mercy while we’re driven to the Den, where Marcus will be waiting for me. The whole time, Mercy holds my unwavering gaze with her mouth clamped shut in a thin line. My little female is terrified, and I vow to the gods that Marcus will pay dearly for putting her through this.

It’s a short drive to our destination. We’ve barely come to a stop when the back doors open again, and the vampires are back with their guns. They go after Mercy first and I jump to my feet with a snarl, teeth snapping and claws curling out of my fingers before the vampire pup jabs at me with his fucking gun.

“You’re going to kill her, Jarik.” He reminds me.

I turn my snarl on him, but I’m truly trapped. “You will regret this.”

“I’m sure I will,” he sighs, as if this is the most boring job he’s ever had, “but I have even less choice than you do about this.”
