Page 15 of Destined

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“My brave girl,” I growl before I bring my arm back for the killing blow. Before I get any further than that there is a commotion behind me. Mercy’s eyes flick to the side and widen a second before something hits me from the side, knocking me across the room.



One moment Jarik is looming over me, his arm drawn back and claws out, prepared to put an end to Isabelle. The next something huge careens into him and he’s knocked to the side. The hit takes Isabelle’s attention away long enough to allow me to spin out of her grasp. She’s watching the two monsters battling across the room when I manage to grapple the knife away from her with a strength that surprises us both.

Her eyes narrow at me when I press the sharp tip to the base of her throat.

“Do you really think you can kill me?” she goads me. “A puny human?”

I scoff, “Obviously not.” I lean into her, pressing until a drop of crimson wells up around the tip of the blade. “But I bet this will slow you the fuck down.”

I put my full weight behind slamming the knife through her windpipe and watch her eyes go round with surprise. My arms jar when the tip penetrates to the opposite side, scraping past vertebrae to lodge in the stone wall behind her.

An unholy howl raises up and I look over just as Jarik is tossed aside and the other beast, silver to Jarik’s black, comes at me. His eyes glint red, and I let go of the knife to stagger back. Before he makes it to me, Jarik is between us again, protecting me. His beast is bulkier, but the other is taller and he snarls while something unspoken passes between them.

The other beast turns to look at where Isabelle has slid to the ground, leaving a smear of blood down the wall behind her. Her eyes are rolled back and she’s gasping like a fish, trying to breathe around the blade lodged in her throat. My eyes dart across the room to where Marcus is watching this take place, but he doesn’t look like he’s in any hurry to put a stop to it.

The silver beast’s head swivels between Jarik before he crouches over Isabelle, lifting her gently into his arms before bolting from the room. When he’s gone, Jarik turns his attention to me. His eyes rake over me from head to toe and when he lifts his clawed hand placing it against the side of my face, it nearly swallows my entire head.

“I’m okay,” I assure him, leaning into his touch. Movement behind him catches my attention to where Marcus is slipping from his throne and slinking toward the doorway like a thief. “You’d better get him.”

Jarik chuffs and I’m pretty sure the look he’s giving me is his beast’s version of a grin. He spins around just as Marcus slips out of the room and into the hallway. A final glance at me says,stay here,and then he’s gone.

Everything that just happened hits me hard. My knees and hands start to tremble, and I sag against the wall. A roar outside the room makes me jump. A few moments later it’s followed by the sounds of pounding footsteps, and I watch as a dozen…people?... race past the doorway. One of them slows and peeks inside the room at me. It takes me a moment to recognize him as the bear shifter that helped rescue me from the cabin.

“Jacob?” I call out.

“Are you alright?” He looks down the hall and then back at me.

I nod.

“Where is Jarik?” he asks.

I point in the direction everyone was running. “He went after Marcus.”

Jacob nods. “Stay here.” Then he’s running again.

“Where am I going to go?” I mutter to myself. Folding my arms across my chest and slouching further into the wall while I listen to what sounds like a battle raging. There are screams followed by growls and howls. Cheers and jeers. Each one louder than the last.

Curiosity is riding me to go see what’s happening, but self-preservation holds me back. At least until a great roar, followed by what I can only describe as a death scream, echoes through the hallways. My stomach clenches and my heart stutters.Jarik!Oh, God. Please don’t let it have been him.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I push to my feet and sprint out of the room, heading in the direction of everyone else.



My beast catches up to Marcus just outside the theater.

“Let’s discuss this as men,” he pleads. I don’t miss the quiver in his voice or the frantic way his eyes dart around, searching for help that will never come. This thing between us has been a long time coming and anyone stupid enough to get in my way will be delt with swiftly.

“No,” I tell him, flatly. “I challenge you, Marcus, for the position of head of all factions. A role that is rightfully mine. That you stole from me when you killed my father.” My head cocks to the side, “Did you even challenge him, like you claim? Or did you stab him in the back like the coward you really are?”

His eyes continue to cast furtive glances for some kind of escape. There is none.

“It won’t be a true challenge by using your beast.” He sputters.
