Page 18 of Destined

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With my knot still locked deep inside her, I wrap her in my arms and pull her against my chest so that she’s laying on top of me as I slide down into the saddle of the chair. She’s just as sweaty as I am, her breaths quivering on every exhale, as our heartrates gradually slow from a gallop to a more normal rhythm.

“Is it weird that I want to tell you that I love you?” she asks as she turns her head to look up at me. Her blunt little teeth bite down into her lower lip making me want to swipe my tongue over the spot, soothing away the sting of her bite.

“No,” I answer.

“But I hardly know you.”

“Your soul knows me,” I tell her, tightening my arms around her. “We’re bonded in a way that is more than love. We were created for each other. Perfectly matched by the gods. Or maybe fate.”

Mercy hums, nuzzling against my shoulder. “Because you bit me?”

“No. I knew even before that. Biting just solidified things.”

She goes quiet and I start to wonder if she’s fallen asleep, until she suddenly speaks up again. “I liked it when you bit me. Can you only do it once?”

My cock jumps inside her at the thought of her body covered in my bites and we both moan. When the little minx rolls her head to the side, displaying the opposite shoulder than the one that already bares my claiming bite, my beast starts to purr.

“My cock isn’t enough for you?” I growl, deep and low. “You need my teeth sunk deep, too?”

She moans as my hand slides down over the soft swell of her belly to tease the patch of soft curls above her sex. Letting her legs fall open for me so I can slide my fingers through the soft petals of her sex to tease where she’s stretched so wide around me. Her cunt clenches and then flutters around me, and my deflating knot swells again.

Dragging my nose across her soft cheek and down the side of her neck, my fingers drag through her soft folds to the tight little nub of her clit.

“Are you sure you want my bite,bejbe?” I ask her as my teeth lengthen to sharp points.

Her hips jump. “Yes. Please, Jarik!’

My cock pulses and I shoot another load of cum into her tight body.

“Fuck, am I ever going to get enough of you?”

“I hope not,” she says with a breathy sigh.

My beast starts purring for her again. “I know not.”

My lips pull back and I bite deeply into the top of her shoulder, groaning when her coppery blood fills my mouth. I’ve already claimed her, so this bite isn’t as powerful as the first, but it’s still enough to send her hips rocking and both of us orgasming together. Pressing my feet to the floor I thrust up into her until she’s screaming my name as she comes around my knot, fucking her with my jaws clamped down on the top of her shoulder until we’re boneless. Wrapped in each other, I barely have the energy to lap my bite closed before we’re dragged into a sated, exhausted sleep.



One year later…

A light tap drags my attention away from the contracts I’ve been going over for the last several hours. I rub at my eyes and lean back in my chair.

“Yeah?” My eyes focus on the doorway of my office, and I can’t hold back the grin that spreads across my lips at the sight that greets me.

Leaning against the door frame is my mate. Her hair is pulled back from her beautiful face into a high ponytail, and she’s wearing leggings under a long tunic that shows off the rounded bump where our son is cradled just beneath her heart. He’s not due to arrive for at least another month, and I’m already overwhelmed with excitement to finally meet him.

“I was just going to tell you that I’m heading home,” she says, rubbing a hand over her pregnant stomach. “Will you be much longer?”

Dragging my eyes from the decadent sight of my expectant mate, I growl down at the contracts I’ve been trying to fix for most of the day. If I’d realized how much paperwork would consume me as Alpha of Alpha’s, I would have told the Brotherhood to go fuck themselves. Then I would have taken my mate and ran for the hills.

I gather the papers into a pile and drop them into the file next to my desk—actually, my father’s desk. I still can’t believe Jacob was able to track it down after Marcus sold it. The rest of the office has been put back to rights, as well. The sex dungeon has been moved to another part of the Den—except for the St. Andrews Cross, which resides in Mercy and my private room. I set fire to the throne, with Marcus sitting in it, his head placed in his lap so he could suck his own dick while I sent his soul to hell.

Mercy said that was a bit much, but I still get a chuckle out of it.

“I’m done,” I announce, standing and stretching my back. “What would you like for dinner?”
