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“Up you get.” He clucks his tongue and uses the chain to gently pull her to her feet, allowing us a much better look at her.

As she slowly uncurls swaths of ruby silk settle around her. It wraps around her like a gift and ties just above her hip, falling open to expose one of her shapely legs.

“Don’t be frightened,” I tell her. She’s trembling like a leaf in a storm, and I suspect my words only frighten her more. The way I tower over her, hell, my size in general, doesn’t help.

I don’t blame her for being afraid. The things I want to do to her, things Iplan to do to her, would frighten any female in her place. I remind myself that it’s desperation that has brought her here. She’s not the first, nor will she be the last. But before this night is over, I want to see a completely different kind of desperation on her face.

“Come pet,” Kez says as he slowly backs up a step, then another, urging her to follow along like a skittish animal on a leash. “I’m eager to get to know you better, and Jacob here looks like he’s about to nut in his jeans if he doesn’t get inside you soon.”

Her eyes grow round as marbles and her tanned skin turns sallow before my eyes. Still, I don’t reprimand Kez for needlessly frightening her. After all, he’s not wrong.



What was I thinking coming here?

My eyes dart between the two huge men before me. Well, huge andhuger.

The biggest one is probably as thick around as I am tall, and he stands at least a foot taller than me. He looks like he ambled out of the forest after chopping down old growth redwoods all day. Wrapped in flannel and denim, with warm brown eyes and shaggy, reddish-brown hair that curls around his ears and shirt collar. A short beard dusts his jaw and accentuates his plump lips.

The other man is exactly the opposite.

He’s dressed in silk and tweed that looks like it was tailored to fit his body perfectly. Even through his expensive clothes I can see that he is stacked with muscles. His are athletic rather than bulky, like the other man. He’s tall and lean, but not quite as tall as the lumberjack. His hair is platinum blond and cut in the latest style so that it’s longer on top and short in the back. Iceberg blue eyes pierce through thick, dark lashes and his skin is pale alabaster. Or marble. All hard angles and so fair that I wouldn’t be surprised to see a spiderweb of bluish veins just beneath the surface.

Both males are so handsome it hurts to look at them.

“I—I’m not…” Words stick in my throat and I look back and forth between them. “I’ve never…before…withtwo—"

“Shh, we aren’t going to harm you.” The lumberjack assures me.

The deep vibration of his voice is oddly soothing, and I relax a little. Until the blond gives my leash a gentle tug and then turns and walks out of the room, expecting me to follow along behind him like a puppy. Which, I do, but only because I don’t have any other choice, with the lumberjack following close behind.

They lead me through a dark maze of halls before stopping in front of a set of double doors. The lumberjack pushes them open, and I follow the blond inside. I barely take two steps inside before I freeze mid step. The walls are painted black, adorned with wall sconces that are lit with actual candles rather than electric light. A giant bed draped in black and red silk takes up the center of the room. At the foot is a—it looks like a curved chair, wrapped in black leather. With a dip on one side and a hump on the other. It reminds me of something I might see in an art deco catalog, but I’m not so naïve that I don’t recognize it as sex themed furniture.

The blond gives my chain a gentle tug and I’m brought sharply back into the present. The lumberjack closes the doors behind us before he steps in close behind me so that I’m sandwiched between them.

Oh, God! Is this really happening? Already?

Shouldn’t there be conversation first? Maybe a drink, or six. Some liquid courage sounds awfully good just now.

“Shhh, baby girl.” The lumberjack rumbles softly from behind me, even though I haven’t said anything. Followed by the feather light brush of his bearded kiss on my bare shoulder. His large hands trail a light dance down my back before they circle my waist to tug at the tie at my hip. My breath catches sharply in my throat and my hands cup my breasts when the wrap dress falls open. I’m not wearing anything underneath. Not even panties.

“Now love, no need to be shy.” The blond says just before he unclips the leash but leaves the collar in place.

My throat bobs as I swallow. Oh, God, I’m shaking like I’m freezing even though my body is overheating. Something is screaming at me torun,but then my vision blurs and I think I’m going to pass out. Gulping down gasps I close my eyes, trying to center myself, when a light touch under my chin draws my attention to where the blond is frowning down at me.

“You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” Under his breath I swear I hear him whisper, “please don’t be a virgin.”

“N-no.” His face blanches and I quickly add, “I mean, I’m not a virgin. But I haven’t exactly done this before.” I’ve had a grand total of two sexual encounters. Both were painfully vanilla and always in the safety of darkness. Nothing like what I’m about to do with these two large males.

The color returns to his face and his lips curl up into a breathtaking smile. “Then let’s get started.”

Before I can react, he leans in and kisses me. Not a peck, or a sweet brushing of lips, but a claiming. His mouth slants across mine and his tongue delves past my lips and into my mouth. Sweeping and licking. Sending flares of unexpected heat straight to my core. When I gather enough courage to let my tongue gently brush against his, he groans and deepens the kiss further. Cupping the sides of my face and tilting my head so that he can stroke deeper and more thoroughly.

The lumberjack steps in close behind me and slides his huge hands down my arms. His heat warms my back and sends shivers across my skin as his fingers span across my forearms before circling my wrists. Before I can stop him, he pulls my hands away from where they are holding my dress in place. He pulls my arms out to the sides and my dress falls open, baring me, exposing me to these strangers.

“Wait!” I gasp, pulling back from the blond and his magical lips. “I don’t even know who you are.”
