Page 53 of Light From The Dark

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A path was slowly cleared for me, and as soon as there was a hole big enough to slide through, I finally stepped on the gas, rocketing forward as fast as I could go. It felt like hours, but was less than a minute until I screeched to a stop in front of the station, my tires screaming in protest. I threw the car into park and jumped out without bothering to remove my keys.

Together, we ran through the doors, every single person in the building halting whatever they had been doing. I slammed through the door of my office, just another door that felt my wrath, and dropped into the chair. My laptop was already open, so I moved the mouse, waking it up. I had to type my password twice my fingers were shaking so fucking bad.

As soon as it was running, I clicked on the program I needed and waited while the department issued laptop started up the tracking program. I nearly sagged in relief when it was fully loaded and began to show a little green dot on the map.

“What’s that?” Brent asked from his position, leaning over my shoulder to watch.

“That,” I pointed at the dot, “is our girl. I gave her a tracker to wear as soon as I found out that the background check was done on her.” I clenched my jaw as I remembered what had started all this today. “I don’t know where that is, though. It looks like it’s in the middle of the forest.”

“I do.”

I turned to look at him over my shoulder to see fear in his eyes, along with a healthy dose of rage. “Where is it?” But I think I already knew. The look on his face gave it away.

“It’s where I go to get rid of monsters.” It was all I needed to hear. I was grateful because he would know the way there. All I cared about was saving our girl, and he had first-hand knowledge of the location.

Brent backed up as I pushed the chair back and shoved out of it. “Let’s go.”

We both headed straight for the door when my name was called out. I wouldn’t have stopped for anyone else, but it was my Captain. I turned my head to see him striding through the room, a nervous-looking Miranda trailing behind him, wringing her hands. In the glance I threw at her before focusing on the Captain’s face, I could see her worry and sorrow. But I gave zero fucks about her feelings.


“I have been told about your… situation. I want you to take officers with you. Yes!” he barked out as I started to shake my head. “That’s an order, Detective. You are messing with a known killer and psychopath. You aren’t going alone.” He glanced over at Brent but looked away quickly. I knew he could demand that Brent stay behind, heshouldstay behind since he was a civilian, and it would be dangerous. Instead, the Captain was pretending he wasn’t there, for which I was grateful. There was no way I was going to leave him behind, and though I had no problem disobeying a direct order, I was glad I wouldn’t have to.

“Sir, I’d rather—“

“It’s done. You aren’t going in alone. And, Detective? Get her back. I’d rather not have to deal with the FBI if that fucker gets away again.”

I nodded, ready to head back out. “I intend to, sir.”

As I began to stride toward the door again, Miranda rushed up beside me. I could see her out of the corner of my eye glancing over to Brent and back to me. “I’d like to go…” she began, but I cut her off with a sharp no.

“You’ve done enough, don’t you think?” I snarled as I reached my running car. Sliding into the seat, the doors still wide open, waiting just long enough for Brent to get in to take off again. I ignored the determined look she had as I drove out of the parking lot and onto the street.

My phone rang, and I hit the button to accept the call, seeing that it was the Captain calling. “Sir,” I gritted out with the limited amount of patience I had left.

“The location, detective?”

I glanced over at Brent before speaking. “There’s a small cabin in the woods on a dirt road off Highway 51. It’s still up on my computer if someone takes a look to get a better idea.”

“Good enough. Try not to kill yourself on the way. I’ve already taken three different calls about your reckless driving today.”


The call ended, and we drove the rest of the way in silence. Once he directed me to the dirt road, I slowed down, despite the need I felt to get to our girl quickly. The road was in shitty condition, and my car wouldn’t be able to make it in one piece if I drove too fast. And I needed stealth. If I drove up too fast, making too much noise, it would alert him to our arrival, and I didn’t want to think about what that would mean for Casey.

“The cabin is about a quarter mile up the road,” Brent said quietly after a short drive, and I nodded, coming to a stop. We climbed out of the car. I checked my service weapon and looked up to see Brent doing the same with the gun he had taken from the old lady. I would have a lot of shit to answer for if he used it, but I was grateful to know he had a weapon.

Together, we jogged up the road until the cabin came into view. “This isn’t a fucking cabin, Brent. It’s barely a shack,” I whispered.

He shrugged. “It holds a purpose. Nobody knows it’s here, and it’s expendable if anyone ever finds out.” He huffed out a breath. “I guess they know now.”

“You know this means he followed you last night, right?”

He nodded as we crept forward, inching closer to the shack that had a small black car sitting in front of it. “Yeah.”

I was sure we were both thinking that things could have gone badly if the Castle Killer had chosen to make his move last night when Brent would have been caught unaware. Then all thoughts of possibilities vanished when a tortured scream full of pain tore through the air.

Together, we sprinted to the door, the time for stealth beyond us.
