Page 42 of The Nightmare King

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The town spread out below me, lights twinkling in the darkness. Beyond the streets filled with homes and businesses were fields of pumpkins and corn stalks. Halloween would be coming to Pumpkin Patch soon. With the holiday would come tourists. Strangers would flock to the Halloween town to take in the sights. Haunted houses would open for business. Corn mazes would soon be plowed with the sole purpose of confusing and scaring those who dared to enter.

It was what the town lived for.

I turned back to look at the hospital bed and saw the machines that beeped and the blinking lights that kept track of Sally’s vitals. She was alive. She would have another scar to go with the many she already had, but she would live. I breathed out a heavy sigh. I hated seeing her lying in that bed, knowing it was my fault. In my tangled thoughts, there was one that repeated over and over, louder than the others.

Maybe she would have been better without me.

If I hadn’t brought her into my life, she would have been safe. She would have done what the Assistant District Attorney told her to do and left town. She could have escaped somewhere new and stayed hidden until the doctor had been caught. It was my fault that she stayed.

Then I thought of our baby.

Somehow, she was still pregnant. Even through the stress and trauma of the day, the baby had survived. It was a fighter, just like its mother. Perhaps she would be better without me, but now she was stuck with me. I was never going to let her go. I would just do whatever it took to make sure that she was never in danger again.

I started to walk back over to the bed to take my seat at her side when the ringing of my phone stopped me. I fished it out of my leather vest and looked at the screen, expecting to see one of my men’s names on the screen. I frowned down at the unknown number and then declined the call. I continued to the chair I had been sitting in all day and took Sally’s small, cold hand in mine. I wasn’t leaving until my Queen could leave with me.

My phone rang again, making me grunt in frustration. I withdrew it from the pocket to see the same unknown number flash across the screen. Again, I declined the call. I leaned over the bed, placing my forehead on Sally’s cold hand, wishing she would wake up so I could see her beautiful blue eyes.

My phone beeped, indicating I had a voicemail. I considered ignoring it, but on the off chance that it was from the vet with news about Zero, I sat back up and hit the button to listen to the call. As soon as I heard the voice coming through, I froze, my blood heating and then turning to ice in my veins.

There was still one more threat against my woman that would need to be seen to—one that couldn’t wait. The Boogeymen were calling, and they were promising death.
