Page 121 of His Fatal Love

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“Yes,” Sandro replies. “We do. But Leo, if I find out you or your father had something to do with this—“

“Understood,” I mutter. The thought of working alongside these Castellani assholes again doesn’t sit well, but this is about Julian. A sick, knee-weakening fear washes over me as I finally accept it.

Julian might be in danger.

And I’m in love with him. So in love that it makes my bones ache to think of someone hurting him. I’m going to find him, no matter what it takes. And if my father is involved, he’s going to pay the price.

“Where do we start?” I ask, my thoughts already turning to possible leads and connections. My time with Julian has shown me how to think like a predator. Maybe I can use that knowledge to hunt down whoever took him.

“We need to check for any video around your apartment from last night,” Jacopo suggests, his voice tight. “Find out where he was last seen, who he was with, anything that might give us a clue as to where he is now.”

“Uh, we can try, but my neighborhood’s not the kind to have video surveillance.”

“Then we go door to door,” Jacopo says. “We do whatever it takes.”

“Agreed,” Sandro says, “but we also need to be discreet. We don’t want to tip off anyone who might be involved. Things are delicate enough as it is. And Leo—you should find out if your father knows anything.”

I just nod, because I already planned to talk to Dad. And then I find myself in the strange position of swapping cell phone numbers with two of the most senior Castellanis, as we all promise to check in regularly.

But right now, Julian needs me, and I won’t let him down.

If that means working in some unholy alliance with Sandro Castellani and Johnny Jacopo, then so be it.



When dawn arrives,I have a hangover that even steak and eggs won’t cure, but I’m still too wired to give into it. I’ve been awake all night, leaning on every contact I have, and ended up with nada.

I didn’t really expect anything. But I wanted to put off the confrontation with my father until my temper was under a little more control. Because if Dad has Julian…

If he has him, and if Julian isn’t whole and well and sitting there making snarky remarks about my daddy issues, I might do something to Don Aldo Bernardi that I can’t take back.

Now morning is here, and it’s time to face facts. I swallow some painkillers and get on my bike, pulling up forty minutes later at my father’s house in an exclusive, gated community. The guards at the gate just nod me through, and I take my time riding up the driveway.

I need to calm down. I’m right on the edge of terrified for Julian, despite all the reassurances I keep trying to tell myself. He’s the deadliest guy I know, after all. But I can’t help replaying that laser sight finding Julian’s head.

Someonenearly had him. He’s not infallible. And fear stabs through my gut once more.

I turn off my bike, dismount, and stride toward the front door, pulling on my Enforcer persona, the one that makes all men quake. Usually I’m more deferential to my father. Not today.

Today, all that matters is Julian.

My father is still having breakfast, I’m told, but I ignore the instruction to wait. I barge into the breakfast room, where I find Dad enjoying his morning coffee, sneering as he takes in my disheveled appearance.

“Where is he?” I demand. “Where’s Julian?”

Dad takes a slow sip from his coffee cup before setting it down with a loud clink. “You’ve got some nerve, Leo, showing up like this, being so rude,” he says, his tone dripping with disdain. “Sit down. Have some coffee. Tell me what’s so important.”

There’s no way my father is unaware of Julian’s disappearance. “Did you have him killed?” I demand.

He smiles, a sick, sadistic smile. “Now, why would I want to kill my best performer, Leo? That crazy Castellani is a talented son of a bitch, even if he can’t follow orders to the letter. That’s what I’ve gotyoufor, though. You can bring him into line. When he resurfaces, I plan to team you up again. It’s time Sandro Castellani met his maker.”

Impatience nearly makes me snap, but I pause to think. Dad really does seem to have plans for Julian, and if he hasn’t yet twigged that Julian was only using him for that intel about Caroline Castellani…

“Julian is missing,” I tell him.

“Julian is out letting off some steam,” he contradicts me, waving a hand around. “Or he’s sowing his wild oats. The fuck do I care? Either he comes back and does more work for me, or he doesn’t. He’s not Family, Leo. Never forget that, no matter how deep your dick gets in him.He’s not Family.”
