Page 133 of His Fatal Love

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“Think about it,” I tell him. “Someone tried to shoot me, and failed. They set me up over Vincenzo’s murder, expecting you toassumeI’d killed Vincenzo, and to turn on me. When you didn’t, they sent Castellani men to kill me. Whenthatfailed, they had one last card to play—provoke the Espositos into a war by sending those photographs that they’d held onto as insurance, and hope you would give me up to them to prevent greater losses.”

Leo’s brow furrows. “But why hold off with the photos?”

“Because they have something to lose from a war like that,” Sandro says. His voice is soft, but I recognize the danger in it.

“Yes,” I say. “Whoever set me up for Vincenzo’s murder must have known I was sleeping with him—that’s Family knowledge. And they also had a reasonably good idea of where I was at any given time. That suggests the person who wants to get rid of me is a Castellani, and pretty high up.”

“He has a point,” Leo agrees. “And besides, Vinnie Esposito was pretty harmless outside his own Family. Doesn’t make much sense for anyone to want him dead for personal reasons. Julian’s right,” he says to my brother. “There’s a pattern.”

“Alright,” Sandro concedes, rubbing a hand over his face. He must be tired. “Julian—let’s say you’re right. But are you any closer to finding your mother’s killer?”

“Oh, yes,” I say. “I know exactly who it was.”



Julian’s smileis predatory as he announces that he’s solved his own mother’s murder.

Yeah. That’s him.

That’s the man I love.

“Don Castellani, I want you to call a meeting with the inner circle,” Julian tells Sandro. “I have proof of who killed my mother, and I want to carry out the vengeance I was promised.” He won’t look away from his brother, almost daring him to deny the request.

I keep quiet. This is another Family’s business.

But it’s mine, too…because of Julian.

Sandro’s chin comes up and I see him clearly now. Don Castellani. Clever. Cold. Ruthless—but only when he has to be. “This is not a detective story starring you, Julian.”

“Let him have his reveal party,” I say. “Please…Don Castellani,” I add. “He deserves that much.”

Julian’s hand squeezes mine, but he doesn’t look away from his brother.

Sandro rolls his eyes, and my heart drops. But then he nods. “The inner circle is coming tonight anyway, to discuss the Esposito situation. If Julian wants to talk to them, he’s within his rights to do so. And if we have a traitor, I want them removed. But any vengeance you want to take—“ he looks directly at Julian now “—must be sanctioned by me. You understand?”

“I understand.”

“Then I will leave you now. You—Lion. You may stay with my brother for now. But this situation between the two of you...” He looks straight at me. “It cannot go on like this much longer.”

After he’s gone, I don’t have the balls to ask Julian what his Don might’ve meant by that. I’m too afraid of the answer. And besides, it’s not oursituationthat I should be worrying about right now. It’s Julian.

He knows who killed his mom? News to me, but I don’t ask, even with Sandro gone, for Julian to tell me what he knows. It’s Castellani business.

And I’m not a Castellani.

“Leo,” Julian says, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Whatever happens tonight…I do love you.”

I nod, lean in to kiss him gently. “Love you, too. You’re mine, Julian. Forever.”

“Yours,” he agrees. “Forever. And Leo?”


“I want you to stay close to me during the meeting tonight. Will you do that?”

I reach out to touch his face, to reassure myself that he’s really here, that he’s not going to disappear into the night again like a phantom. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
