Page 148 of His Fatal Love

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“Not that.” His walls squeeze me tight, his moans echoing through the trees so loud I bet they can hear him down at the gate. I lean forward, bracing myself with one arm on the tree, and grab his hair in my fist. “Sayit,” I hiss in his ear.

“Yours, Leo,” he pants out. “I’m yours, all yours—ohh—“

I know that sound, half anguish, half relief. He’s spilling in his cage, his cock pulsing inside that golden case. I thrust in deep, hiking his hips up so he’s on his toes, and I ride his orgasm into mine, coating those walls deep inside him as he trembles against me.

We stay there until my cock slides out on its own, and he whimpers a complaint. “Don’t worry,” I say, nuzzling into his neck. “I’ll have my tongue in there soon enough. Just need to catch my breath.”

My heart is starting to slow again as I pull Julian close, our sweat-slicked bodies pressed together. What a beautiful mess we’ve made of each other.

What a beautiful fucking life we’ll make for each other.

“We need to talk about AJ,” Julian says with a yawn. “Roxy’s been asking when we plan to kill him.”

“Roxy can wait until I’m good and ready,” I growl. The truth is, I’m trying to wait until my anger has died down a little more.I want to take my time with AJ, make sure I pay him out for every single moment of pain he inflicted on Julian. I don’t want to let him escape a moment of justice, which means he’ll need to stay alive for a long time.

So I’ll need a cool head and steady hands.

“It can wait,” Julian agrees. “We have all the time in the world.”

I kiss his shoulder, my hunger for him building again. We may have come from different worlds, but we fit together perfectly. We have our own secret language—a language of revenge, of love, of passion and violence. We’ll get justice, no matter what it takes.

And in the meantime, we’ll keep speaking our own dark language. The language ofus.

“Time for round two,” I say in his ear, but before I can get on my knees, we’re interrupted by a distinct cough.

Julian gives an annoyed sigh. “What is it, Darian?” he calls over his shoulder. I do up my pants as fast as I can while ensuring my junk is safe from the zipper teeth, and turn around to see the new butler standing there—with his back to us, thank God.

He stays facing away as he speaks. “I apologize for the interruption, sirs, but we have an unexpected guest.”

Julian whirls around, hands on hips. “And who exactly thinks they can show up unannounced at Redwood?” he demands.

“It’s Anna-Vittoria Esposito, sir. She wants to see Don Castellani.”

Julian and I exchange a look, a silent discussion.

“We’ll receive her in the grand salon,” I say. “We’ll be there soon. In the meantime, call Don Castellani and let him know.”

“Yes, sir,” Darian says, and sets off at once.

We make our way back to the picnic basket, where Julian cleans off his butt plug with a wet wipe and hands it to me expectantly. “Waste not, want not,” he says with a smirk, and then bends over like he’s in some yoga class, asshole waving around in my face.

He’s still wet enough for me to push the plug back into him with ease. Simpler this way, and I don’t want to keep Anna-Vittoria waiting. Within a few seconds, Julian is dressed again, pale eyes bright with curiosity.

“What do you think she wants?” he asks, as we head back toward the house, hand in hand.

“I guess we’ll find out,” I say.

“You look so grim!” Julian pulls me closer to his side. “I just hope no one’s set me up for murder again. Third time could be the charm, as far as Sandro’s concerned. Or is this the fourth?”

I sling my arm around his shoulders and kiss his temple. “If it comes down to it, I’ve got your back.”

“Yes,” he agrees. “And I have yours.” He smiles that cold, predatory smile that always melts my heart.

I stop him outside the kitchen door, smooth out his hair. “You’re mine,” I remind him. “Forever.”

“Forever,” he says, and I pull him close to kiss him.

Anna-Vittoria Esposito will just have to wait a little longer.

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